Is it possible to get an instant sugar blood test in Japan?

I want to make sure my blood sugar level is fine but I don’t need to monitor it that often do it would be a waste to buy the whole glucometer kit. In Canada they offer this service but when I check on internet and go to drug stores, they tell me to get an appointment at the clinic (which will cost as much as the test kit) or buy the test kit. I might not be looking for the right places? The thing is, I totally heard that some drugstores do it and you only have to buy the trips and sometimes they even do it for free from a friend. Is it possible that they just don’t do it in my area? My friend is japanese so she possibly used “drugstore” incorrectly?

Thank you for reading me!

  1. i think there’s been a bit of miscommunication somewhere though. in japan, most pharmacies and drugstores wouldn’t provide this service. this is mostly due to health regulations – each individual’s medical condition is considered private and it’s generally not appropriate for a nonmedical professional to handle.
    however, you might have a few options:
    1. some big chains have a clinic nearby or attached, where you could do a one-off test, although there might be a fee.
    2. there might be health fairs or checkups in your area where this service is offered for free or at a minimal cost. you can check these out too.
    3. if you are ok with spending a little, you could buy a glucose testing kit that includes a lancet and test strips. you can find them in most drugstores, and they aren’t very expensive.

    as for the term “drugstore”, it’s a bit of a complex issue. in japan, the word can refer to different things, and sometimes, it get mixed up with connotations from other cultures.

    certainly, feel free to ask me anything else if you need! hope this helps in some way.

  2. I would concider a glucometer if you’re interested in seeing your glucose, and you *don’t* have access to a CGM.

    I’m almost prediabetic, and a normal day my glucose can be as low as 50mg/dl and as high as 200mg/dl. My fasting tests are always over 100, but a CGM showed me my real range.

    Now that I know how some foods affect me, I have been able to make better choices.

  3. You can just buy a cgm like Freestyle Libre off Amazon Japan. No one is going to check your blood sugar on NHI unless you present with symptoms.

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