Money transfer from JP to US without my number card

Hello so a bit of explanation

I’m working as an ALT and I have my JP bank account set with 114 Bank as chosen by my employer. I still have a US bank account that I use to pay bills (mostly subscriptions and such here and there)

I tried to set up Wise to transfer money since it was the easiest wat but they require a My Number card which I don’t have yet (my situation is interesting as I had a my number from the time I was a student in Japan so I wasn’t mailed an issuance notice to apply for the physical card so my school’s admin office currently checking in on it)

Does anyone know of any other transfer options that do not required a My Number card to verify?

edit: thank you for the reminder about the Jumin-hyo I forgot I had that.

  1. So, I actually made a post exactly like this when I first came here and same boat, Wise just wasn’t working for me, there were a whole bunch of technicalities with my bank account type and apparently since I was still new to the country there were like restrictions or something. So anyways, if you have a Visa debit card from the US it should work at the international ATMs at 7elevens and Lawsons. Just do a simple deposit in Yen after doing a WD from your JPY account. Just be mindful of the amount limits, it’s about 500,000Y last I checked. Otherwise, last resort would be a wire, which I did once and took about a week and a half.

  2. How much are you trying to send? Japanese banks don’t like people sending money OUT of Japan as a rule. They don’t mind so much money coming in as long as it doesn’t look like money laundering amounts but going out is a tougher ask.

  3. As a resident of Japan you have to have a Mynumber card. Are you new to the country? Or have you been here for a while? I could understand not having any info on your MyNumber of you literally just came into the country.

  4. Even if you dont have a Mynumber card, you do have a Mynumber… You can just go to city hall and ask for Jūmin-hyō (住民票) with your mynumber written on it and Wise accepts it too!

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