The Crime That Killed Shinzo Abe – A look at the connection between the Abe family, the LDP and the religious group that his killer had a grudge against

The Crime That Killed Shinzo Abe – A look at the connection between the Abe family, the LDP and the religious group that his killer had a grudge against

  1. I am sorry, but the way the guy went about his argument he still sounds sociopathic. His target was not on sight and he chose Abe as replacement. It looks like an excuse to kill, father than motivation.

  2. The Korean brand of culty evangelical Christianity is a plague upon Japan and the Japanese people. The fact that one of these South Korean hate-mongers was permitted to give a homophobic, hate-filled sermon and distribute hateful print material to a gathering of top-level LDP Shintoists just boggles the mind.

  3. I’ve shilled for Behind the Bastards a few times the past few days when Abe’s piece of shit grandfather Kishi has come up in conversation on here, but I can’t stress enough how interesting their episode on Kishi is. It provides great scope on why Japanese politics functions as it does, as well as excellent insight into the LDP and Abe. Added a whole new level of disgust to how I feel about the party, Abe, and his addicted-to-rape (yes, really) grandfather. The founder of modern Japanese politics, ladies and gentlemen, and the rolemodel of his fascist grandson.

    Now I get to suggest that you listen to their Moonie episode as well! Enjoy!

  4. “He initially prepared to kill a church leader, but gave up after deciding it was too difficult. ”

    Just how bad was Abe security that made this guy think killing an ex prime minister was easier than killing some cult official?

  5. This information puts the assassination into a whole new light. I had no idea that Abe and his family have protected the Moonies from prosecution in exchange for free campaign workers. This is a very serious and terrible thing if true.

    If indeed Abe was a long time protector of the Moonie cult, then it makes sense that someone victimized by the cult would seek revenge against him. If all of the elements of this story are true, then I think the killer should be given a long prison term, but not the harshest penalty.

    The Moonies have been destroying lives for half a century. I knew someone who joined their cult many years ago and essentially disappeared. They no longer have contact with their family or participate in normal society.

  6. If his stated motives are true, I think this should be discussed in a different context than defiance of democracy.

    I live in Japan and I’m curious how other countries control the collusion between religious organizations and political parties.

  7. I didn’t realize there were even Moonies over here; I thought maybe the shooter had some beef with either Sokka Gakkei or Happy Science.

  8. Sort of off topic — but does anyone know why Japanese media has refused to identify or publicly name the religious group until yesterday? Is there some sort of law that precludes them from doing so?

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