Revamped NJPW World coming this autumn

iOS and Android app, Roku app, improved picture quality and more. Price increase as well.

About time.

  1. Fucking yes. (Except the price increase, though I’m in Japan so the cost is actually great for me, I get CMLL and AEW with it.)

  2. Hopefully this finally means the video won’t hitch and reload every 10 seconds if you skip around too much.

  3. Im fucking jumping for joy.



    MY GOD

  4. Fingers crossed that iOS support also includes Apple TV. Will be over the moon if so. If not I’m sure casting to Apple TV from iOS will work at least (horrible that it doesn’t currently).

  5. New app and better video quality sounds great.

    As of right now, 1298 yen translates to 8.86 USD, so barring any major economic events over the next few months, that’s not too bad of a compromise.

  6. Price increase is somewhat acceptable. It’s actually mostly in line with inflation, which you can confirm by checking how much $10 in 2014 is worth now in 2023 (~$13)

    As far as total bang for buck is concerned, the top services are Wrestle Universe and FITE+ (especially the latter if it streams AJPW going forward). But it’s understandable that these services are priced lower because they’re still in their growth/loss-leading phase.

  7. The dedicated Roku app is exciting since that’s what I normally use to watch anyway (using tv cast).

  8. Finally, the streets needed this cuz no way in hell should the leading company in Japan have the worst streaming service out of everyone else.

  9. Hopefully this means you no longer have to have two apps on iOS and a dedicated chromecast google tv to be able to watch on TV now

  10. The quality increase to actual 1080p (only took them eight years) is worth it alone, but finally having a dedicated app will be nice. I don’t even care if the new UI sucks, watching in 540p for all these years has been brutal.

  11. The wording “sample HD content” that they mention in the website makes a little bit suspicious.

  12. As long there’s an app that lets you cast to your TV from your phone like WWE and Fite, I’ll gladly pay an extra couple of quid a month.

  13. Finally! Might grab the IOS app if Noah done it ages ago then NJPW should have been on the ball years ago.

  14. Finally I love New Japan but the World site is terrible & is in desperate need of an update. Hopefully will make watching the archives an easier process in the future

  15. I hope their “full hd” is actually 1080p.. and not being passed off as 720p as “full hd” cause I’ll be disappointed if that’s the case even though it would still be an improvement of their current.

  16. The current website is archaic and painfully bad. These overhauls are long overdue. They should’ve had iOS and Android apps ready on day 1.

  17. Question, as a Canadian is this gonna actually be available or more wwe network style bullshit (still can’t get that here without paying for cable or an additional VPN cost)

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