Why 先月 means last month even though meaning of 先 is previous, foregoing?

Thank you for your replies.
Kind of felt silly that I didn’t thought about it like that. I was thinking last month means last month of year. But basically it seems it was last/previous month. Also my first language isn’t english. I am using English as a medium to learn Japanese.

  1. Think of it as “the other side of something” and you’re looking *backwards* down the timeline.

  2. …you realise that ‘previous’ and ‘last’ mean the same thing in English here, too, right?

    ‘The previous month (to the current month)’ = ‘last month’

  3. “Last” has multiple meanings in English. When someone says “last month,” they mean “the month before this current month.” They don’t mean “the final month in a line of months”, which seems to be how you’re thinking of it.

    Basically, 先月 = previous month = last month.

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