Which Japanese store, in your opinion, has the most annoying song on loop?

Everyone loves the Donki song, but not over and over for hours. A lot of stores in Japan have very obnoxious songs on loop.

Which song that plays on loop is the most annoying song in your opinion? Where do you feel the worst for the employees who have to go through hearing a looping song all day every shift?

  1. My personal most hated songs are the ones for **Yamada Denki/Labi** and the song that plays in **Hard Off**, specifically the rap.

    This subreddit removes links to videos automatically, but if you don’t know what I mean just look up “ラプハドフ” for the Hard Off rap. It’s very bad.

  2. I feel sorry for the people at Muji who listen to this horrific faux folk crap on steroids all day.

    As somebody who has worked retail with annoying background music on repeat I can tell you though that most people manage to drown it out quickly. You really only pick up on it again if you’re bored.

  3. At Maruetsu, in the summer in the fish section, there used to be an unagi song. Not only it had been played on loop, but also it was usually from a casette player. The song is almost satirically 80s pop style bad including childish lyrics.

    Unagi inventory stock has been down so much so it’s gone I think.

  4. I am generally fond of 7-11, Hard Off, Book Off, Yodobashi, Bic, I’ll accept Labi…. but wow does some of the looping going on through some yobiyobi-kun at certain supermarkets really get to me.

    My local supermarket, there was a time period where if I stood in the middle I could hear 3 different call to actions simultaneously!

  5. Nothing tops the supermarket near my old place that had this yodeling nightmare for a theme song in the meat section. It was also a good bit louder than all the other sections’ theme songs so you could hear it anywhere in the store on top of whatever else. For some reason hearing yodeling while looking at and thinking of food made me feel sick to my stomach lmao. But then I figured out that 30 mins or so before closing, one of the staff would go around and turn off all the casette players. So I’d try to go there just before closing to shop in peace.

  6. The grocery store does midi versions of popular songs but now I have something stuck in my head with no lyrics to google.

  7. Don’t know the worst, but my favorite certainly is Welcia’s MIDI covers of rock classics. I’m hooked!

  8. Can we be positive, though?

    Because I love hearing Under the Sea in 7/11. I’m not being sarcastic, I really do love it. It’s soothing~

  9. Osaka specific, but Kinsho has some pretty annoying stuff playing

    And I’m not giving the name for privacy reasons, but a local mom and pop grocery store in my town constantly have a yakiimo song playing

  10. TutuAnna has been playing the same three Abba songs on loop for 3-4 years now….

  11. Yodobashi Camera, by far. If you live in Osaka, of course Super Tamade, the Yakuza pachinko supermarket popular in good ol’ Naniwa.

  12. Hate them all. The volume they’re being played at is just too loud.

    Where I’m from, a company had a similar set up. Just looping a jingle of sorts.
    They had to stop because it got deemed an “unworkable workplace” or what ever the term would be. Always think about that as soon as I walk into one of those shops.

  13. AEON. I barely go there at all but when I do the jingle and that stupid fucking yelp of the dog every 30 seconds drives me mad.

  14. The part I hate about the Donki song is that it’s not a central system, but isolated individual speakers, so as you walk from one space to another you can hear two speakers playing it out of sync with each other. When you find the zone that can hear three speakers at equal volume it becomes unbearable. I don’t know how people go shopping there and don’t lose their minds

  15. Don don don ♪ Donki♪ Donki hote〜♪

    I remember our first “lockdown” we lived on the other side of the 246 high way to a donki. 5-7min walk from one. It was around lunch time, dead quiet, not a single person or car to be seen. My bf and I stood outside our house for a smoke and from far far away we heard this song. It was really freaky

  16. Briefly dated a girl who picked up a shift at a combini to help pay for school. At the time, Lawson’s was running some jingle about fried chicken or something 24/7. I literally watched it erode her mental health in real time.

  17. “ハピプライスパラダイス”


    It’s like a duet between what must be a vocaloid and perhaps an executive… like a competition in soulless enthusiasm.

    Another I haven’t seen on this thread is the Tsuruha theme song. It lasts about 30 seconds, it loops in the store endlessly, and the worst thing about it is that it ends on a flat note, so it ends up feeling unresolved every time it ends, so you almost instinctively want to replay it to get to whatever imagined “end” it would logically have. Hate hate.

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