Weekly Complaint Thread – 14 September 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. Hotels and Airbnbs, it’s lame you gotta looks weeks and weeks out and plan accordingly, no such thing as a spontaneous trip unless you wanna dish out 10マン円/per night

  2. I’ve had the most exhausting 2-3 weeks ever.

    First my toddler got sick with high fever and cough. Then a few days later my wife got sick too with high fever and sinus problems. We then discovered it was Covid.

    My daughter and I tried to isolate but too late- she then also got sick vomiting and high fever. Needless to say we canceled our summer trip to Izu which we’d been looking forward to.

    I was last man standing on a very shaky boat (house). And finally when the toddler recovered and my wife could leave the sick bed I also caught it.

    By that point I was a zombie having looked after them for 10 days and then also getting sick.

    It’s been 3 weeks now and kids are back to baseline more or less. However I’m still walking around in a glass bowl with dizziness and nausea.

    When is this gonna end?!

  3. I sure love going to immigration, waiting for 1 hour to be told to make a line at the next window, being in line for 40 minutes and then having to wait another 2 hours and a half to be called. I love bureaucracy.

    edit: Nevermind, 2.5 hours was a complete lie, gonna be here a while longer.

  4. Airplane tickets back to Europe. Looking to fly out in May next year and the prices are already at 150,000, with the fastest flights going for 200,000!

  5. Not sure if this is the right platform. I am so anxious about the final contract.
    I was offered a job and got a draft contract by last week of august. But due to some unfortunate events on the hiring company side, the final contract is still under process.

    Anyway.. i just want to know how should i deal with this anxiety.
    They said I should wait.

    I am already in the notice period at my current company. so i am so anxious.

  6. – having complains but forgetting them before the complain thread

    – my discipline is unraveling. Should’ve gotten started on things when I woke up at 12pm post night shift so I could get decent amounts of studying in and do whatever I wanted to do… But I ended up online

  7. Bought some gel skins for my Switch joy con controllers from Daiso.. they’re shit. They don’t really fit properly and ended up covering up the face buttons, making them unusable.

    **I feel like going back to Daiso and getting my 100 yen back but…..** I can just tell it’s going to be a massive pain in the ass, involving:

    – shit load of bureaucracy

    – the store manager coming out with an army of scientists to inspect the product

    – the police being called because a scary foreigner is being aggressive (OK this is an exaggeration, for comedic effect)

    – and having probably a good 20-30 minutes of my time wasted all for the purposes of getting 100 yen back.

    I know its “*only 100 yen*” but I mean FFS at least sell a product that does what it’s supposed to do.

  8. I have two more weeks until I start childcare leave (October 1st through to the end of the year).

    I can barely even *pretend* to give a shit about *anything* at work.

  9. Packing for the big trip back home. It’s a frustrating experience. To sum it up – I am removing my things to lighten the load while wife just keeps adding stuff.

  10. Flew with my toddler and she was good for pretty much the whole airport limousine, and flight, except the takeoff because she absolutely didn’t want to be held. She screamed like a banshee and flailed around like she was having an exorcism for the first 15 minutes or so while we took off. Covered in sweat, snotty, red faced, kicking and freaking out and spinning sound like an alligator. I just gave up and sat her in the seat beside me after a while because it was insane. So embarrassing and exhausting

  11. I watch the Rugby WC, but my 1st 2 home team games are on Nippon TV. But their commentary/broadcast is atrocious compared to NHK.

    NHK has: retired expert player for game analysis, referee mic to listen to important decisions, half-time show (minimum TV caster+analyst but for JP games it’s 10 people together) and lots of replays during the frequent water breaks players take because of the heat.

    Nippon TV has: cutting 15min of the opening game to put ads (but game was not even live), no half time show (quick replay of each score + 15min of ads), no expert (commentators just translate which rule was called out by the referee for each penalty), no replays (just endless shots of players drinking water).

    Maybe I should pay the NHK guy for their effort…

  12. Oh yeah, I forgot.

    I’ve been waiting for 4 weeks on a reply about a meeting in October in Europe. Conversation was flowing fine before, with “See you in Europe on October 15th, I’ll send the details later”. Where in Europe has not been finalized yet. Could be Spain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, who knows.

    Multiple texts, emails and phone calls later, there are no details and now boss has decided that we just won’t meet that company due to ticket prices rising/availability waining, thus, no more need for me to go to Europe.

    Ugh, I was looking forward to that trip and the bonus that would have came with it.

  13. I went shopping today. On my way home I cross one of those traffic lights where you have to press the button to trigger the light to turn green so you can walk. I pressed it and then realized on the other side of the street there was a kid about 3 years old with his mother who was running to press the button. I pressed it probably a couple seconds before he could, and he seemed pretty bummed out. I felt a little bad, so I say sorry as we pass by and his mother looked at me like I was the god damned devil and grabbed her kid like I was about to take him away or something.

    Damn some people lol.

  14. I’ve been taking CBD for a week. I’ve been sleeping like a baby, and my underlying rage has calmed, but I’ve lost all motivation to do any work haha

  15. Some marketing kook at my university got people to call the new building “TryField”. I can just tell it started out as 挑戦場, but that’s 古臭い so they had to Engrishize it to make it sound hipper.

  16. When a person makes multiple posts complaining about the douchebag livestreamers in order to desperately farm up-votes.

  17. Yamanote line driver gave me the “big” horn (fnar fnar). I was facing the train, saw it coming, stopped so didn’t have to cross the yellow line until it passed. Mf leant on the horn anyway.

  18. I have to take 2 days of because of sever pain in my forearm/ elbow and my shoulder and it will cost me close to 2万円… On a positive note, I have a long weekend to look forward to.

  19. I have a love/hate relationship with JapanEat on YouTube. On one hand, the guy profiles a lot of good food which gives a decent idea of what some aspects of Japanese food culture are like, but on the other his videos are so overloaded with lame jokes and random references to retro gaming and anime I get secondhand embarrassment. Sometimes I just want him to shut up and actually describe the food he’s eating, but also I can’t stop watching…

  20. Doc ordered me a bunch of CT scans and xrays. I was fine in the end but after reading about the radiation dosage, freaked myself the hell out. Had no idea and kinda wish my doc informed me of the risks involved.

    I also got prescribed a million sachets of kampo.

  21. Went to mail my cousin a birthday parcel to the UK, since COVID they weren’t accepting airmail (or EMS I think). Pre COVID I paid at most ¥1500 for a parcel but this year it’s gone up to ¥3800 even for the smallest size and weight. EMS was sightly cheaper at ¥3100 which surprised the postal clerk. Last time I sent by sea it took 3 months to deliver.

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