Johnny’s says it will work for free as firms cut ties over scandal

Johnny’s says it will work for free as firms cut ties over scandal

  1. The other side of “we’ll work for free!” and “we’ll hire a bunch of committees to make sure that we’re never so careless as to miss this again!” is that it shows just how wealthy the agency is in the first place, and why they had such an incentive to ruthlessly suppress the grotesque reality.

    Nothing from the agency is ever going to be anything more than absurd theater, but what I wonder now is how tainted it will be in the eyes of the general public. Even if it was all based on a lie, that’s several generations of uncritical esteem bestowed on it by the establishment that came to a crashing end this year. Quite a lot of people are just not going to want to believe it, and maybe given enough of an out (changing the name to “J’s” or something like that) they’ll be happy to go on as they were.

  2. They need to appoint an entirely new board of directors and change their name to have any chance of redemption.

    The faster “Johnny’s” leaves the Japanese vernacular, the better.

    The reflection and reform shouldn’t stop with the talent agency though. The abuse was openly known for at least 30 years and had been going on for 50 years… probably longer. The fact is that it was ignored and minimized by the entire media industry, the police, society as a whole, and, most painfully, the parents/families of the boys sent to the talent agency for a chance at fame.

    I also suspect that the wider idol/talent industry has many more cases of abuse. There should be a focus on establishing safeguards and protecting the children across the industry.

  3. Wont change a thing because japan itself needs to change

    I’ve read somewhere (Yahoo japan i think) most companies cut ties because they are International and International customers care more for human rights.
    Like, what is this sh!t.

    This is just for show. Johnnys can do what they want. Its not about the abuse and all. Not a Single company in japan seemed to care. Its all about money and reputation

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