Bi-Weekly Boss Premium Edition Questions Thread – 03 August 2022

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Does anyone know of a canned beverage that has minimal calories but sufficiently high alcohol levels?

  2. We are planing to move from Tokyo soon. We are currently trying to find a house that is somewhat rural in southern part of Niigata or central-northern part of Nagano.

    I’m not counting on having fiber to the house, so that leads me to think of other was of getting connected…

    What other options are there? I’m aware of WiMAX/4G/5G, but anything else? ADSL?

  3. So my Boshi techou got wet from what I’m guessing was a pet bottle that had condensation. It’s a bit damaged but still usable though I would prefer to get a new one.

    Anyone had to replace theirs? I’m wondering what happens with all the stamps and signatures from the pediatrician and hospital and the vaccine stickers?

    Bottom line is those free Boshi techou covers from magazines are useless.

  4. If your garbage gets scattered on the road by the crows, who is responsible for cleaning?

    It’s just a curiosity, because I see it happens a lot on the neighboring house complex.

  5. I have a rather nice ball point pen that I dropped while overseas and now the knock mechanism is stuck… I can still use it but it’s annoying to get the pen closed. It was given to me as a gift and is customized with my name, so I’d rather keep using it.

    Any recommended places to get a repair for a Pilot pen in Osaka?

  6. I need to move a 190cm x 90cm big panel from my home in Koenji to a live house in Shimokitazawa and back again on Sunday.

    I presume that this would be impossible by taxi.
    However, *is there an option to book anything larger than a “slide door” taxi*?

    I have a sturdy little carry cart and elasticated ropes, so could, in theory, awkwardly drag it there by train, but *is there a max limit to the dimension of what can be brought onto a train without staff intervention*?

  7. I’m using Tokyo Gas in non-23-ku Tokyo. Type A 40amp service.

    On my electric bill, it has my usage as 1段階目 as well as 2nd and 3rd. The total on my bill is least for 1 and most for 3.

    I mostly use electricity during the day hours (WFH), so I’m assuming 3段階目 is the most expensive time period, but I have neither an explanation or kWh for the period; I have only the amount. On the other hand, a quick google mentions this isn’t about the time of day, but overall usage.

    Is the above 段階 system represent how many overall kWh I used and I go up from tier to tier based on raw kWh, or does this have to do with electric being cheaper in certain times of the day? Thanks!

  8. Those who bought iPhone from outside Japan…

    Can you silent the shutter camera sound in here?

    I read that it is not based on the where you buy the phone, but the SIM card. (news from late last year)

    If the SIM card is from Japan, then it will always have the shutter sound no matter where you bought your iPhone

  9. Dropped something sharp on the floor and it nicked the white wood. There’s just a black dot there now (that could potentially be peeled to make matters worse), but I don’t think it’s something anyone would even notice, say when we move out and they check for damages.

    Is there any quick solution for wood damage like this? Or should I contact the kanrigaisha? It’s a brand new place, so I’m a bit upset this happened, but I’m also fearing to fix this, they would need to replace the whole piece of wood and that would somehow cost at least 2man yen.

    Not a dire situation, but as I vacuum three times a day, that little spot will always be a reminder.

  10. Does anyone know where I can get a reliable SLOW usb charger? I have a wireless charger that makes the phone too hot and I only use it at night, so I don’t care if it operates at a snail’s pace. Even the Daiso 100 yen ones are 1/A. I’ll pay to go into a landfill

    Also I tried to put a hub between it and it started hissing lol

  11. I hear a lot about how women need their husband’s approval for an abortion. What happens when a single woman needs one?

    Do they just need somebody’s signature?? I can’t imagine there’s any sort of DNA check, but is there some sort of check to make sure that signature is from someone actually involved?

  12. has anyone used those things that you put on windows or sliding doors that supposedly help cool homes during summer? found one at MrMax and am genuinely curious of their efficiencies

  13. We’re taking our first within-japan trip in a couple weeks. Planning on taking the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto. Do I need to buy tickets in advance? Are there any sorts of discount passes that are applicable and worth buying? We are Americans here on a work visa (work for me, dependent visas for my family). Thanks!

  14. I’m thinking about adopting a mid size dog I found in a shelter’s page online.

    Tbh while I endorse adopting animals over buying, I must admit I’m totally uneducated about the procedures of adopting and registering a pet here in Japan.

    I know neutering and microchip are a must, same as in my country, and that the pet needs to be registered at your ward. But other than that, I’m lost.

    Can someone please share their experience? It would help a lot. Thank you!

    I’m based in Tokyo if that helps.
    Yes my apartment is pet friendly. My neighbor has a mame shiba and another has a cat.

  15. I commented on an item I want on Mercari, but haven’t heard back for a week now. The item was last updated “over half a year ago”, so I’m thinking they might not be checking up on it/maybe didn’t notice a notification? Should I just go ahead and click the purchase button and hope for the best?

  16. Anyone else reacting to the bad air quality/high ozone in Tokyo? Got really drowsy and tired today and still struggling, but it couldn’t have been the heat because I was mostly indoors. Turns out AQI levels in my area are unhealthy.

  17. New to Japan and wondering why there is so little fresh veggies in the food I get in restaurants and convenience stores. Do real japanese(not expats on high salaries and no time to cook) cool often?

  18. Can anyone tell me if I’m being stupid?

    Me and my boyfriend are going to Mie tomorrow for a few days (we live in Osaka). It’s supposed to be cloudy and rain a bit, but I much prefer that to intense sunshine and heat tbh

    But after watching NHK he’s now saying that we perhaps shouldn’t go to Mie tomorrow because of the heavy rain in Tohoku right now. Saying it might suddenly come to Mie… but the forecast for Mie doesn’t show heavy rain at all. The rain is hundreds of miles away ffs.

    Heavy rain on the other side of the country would not normally affect my travel plans. I’m finding this all quite ridiculous but I’m no weather expert. If it is in fact dangerous then I agree that we shouldn’t go

    He is overly cautious by nature (which I appreciate), and I want to respect his opinion, perhaps he is right…? Is this line of thinking reasonable? Help me out here

  19. It’s been years since I extended my visa and I cannot remember the process at all. Specifically, I can’t remember if you’re allowed to leave Japan temporarily while it’s been processed. Also can’t remember if Immigration keeps your current zairyu card or passport when you go to apply. All I see is that they need to be presented when applying.

    Does anybody know?

  20. Looking for recommendations on used (retro) game stores in Tokyo and/or Chiba, especially Chiba.

  21. If I move back to home country, and forfeit my spouse visa, can I still visit Japan under the current covid rules? Would have brother-in-law’s wedding next year I want to attend.

    EDIT: Just linking what I found in case it can help anyone else. It *looks* like I would be able to enter with “other special exceptional circumstances”.

  22. I’m surprised so many people are content with just the AC in their house. I couldn’t survive without my Daikin Clear Force air purifier / dehumidifier. The whole house feels so much different, like nothing is going on outside. Why aren’t these machines more popular?

  23. Might be a bit late but, looking for Japanese brand Hospital grade disinfectant. Similar to Meda-cide???

  24. Where’s best to go to get my nerd neck looked at? カイロプラクティック, 整骨院 etc.

  25. Anyone got good recommendations for a PC repair shop in Tokyo? My laptop broke unexpectedly and I’m scrambling to find somewhere decent but I don’t have much frame of reference on the matter.

  26. Within the foreseeable future I will be looking for a new job. I found a list in the japanlife wiki but since it’s been years since my last job change, I’d like to ask for some recommendations for job search site. Job field would be IT and in Kanagawa/Tokyo. Both english and japanese is fine. I’d appreciate any help.

  27. Got auto-deleted for containing a link despite no link in text so second try with different wording on the part that might’ve triggered it.

    Business keigo question: how would I remind my boss that I’m leaving early? I already told him about it when we were scheduling our shifts for the month, but he didn’t write anything down and was also like “oh yeah that’s fine! You’ve seen how soandso-san leaves early every shift, so we are loose about that.” But soandso-san has that set into her shifts so she doesn’t need to remind boss. I thought 先日お伝えした通り would work, but it apparently is considered rude and passive aggressive, according to the online keigo teachers. I just want to say “hey boss, just reminding you that I leave early/at <time> today” but not sound rude/condescending.

  28. Can you call a guy Tamanokoshi If he marries a woman for her money? If not then is there another word to call him?

  29. Has anyone bought one of the Nikko Passes from Tobu Railways as a foreign resident? The wording on the site is unclear as to whether I just need to have a non-Japanese passport or if I also need to prove I am a temporary visitor.

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