After about six years of false starts and “extended breaks,” I just completed RRTK in 46 days.

I’ve tried so many different approaches to Japanese without ever reaching any degree of fluency and came back around to RRTK so many times, but never did I actually finish it. On July 31 of this year, I started it yet again, at a rate of 50 new characters per day.

Today, I learned the final character in the deck.

I feel like I’ve scaled a mountain. After years and years of worrying that I couldn’t do it, thinking there was something wrong with me, thinking that I just didn’t have enough self-discipline to get it done…*I’ve finally done it.*

I know there’s still a *lot* of work ahead of me and that RRTK on its own is not the end, or even the most critical piece. It’s gonna take some more drilling before I even fully have everything internalized. Yet, it still feels amazing to have completed it after all this time. For the first time ever, I have a decent foundation to build on and confidence that I can actually do it.

I could ramble on and on about this and about all the experiences I’ve had, but I won’t. I just wanted to celebrate my accomplishment with the rest of you here, and also sort of introduce myself with the hope of being more active around here in the future. よろしくお願いします!

  1. Congrats! I presume this is Remembering the Kanji? I picked up the 3 volumes and was looking it over, how have you felt it has helped you so far now that you cleared it? Not that I need to specifically study kanji, as I picked up around 1k or so just by reading and composing written material a lot. But as my vocabulary grows, it becomes much easier to remember new words and kanji as they all start to hold each other up in a web of connections and contexts. So I thought just hammering out more kanji quick with vocabulary would make learning while reading smoother for me.

  2. おめでとう!
    Thats awesome! I did RTK 1 and 3 for my intro into kanji.
    lots of work ahead but you totally got this!! ( ≧∀≦)ノ

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