Has anyone bought resale concert tickets with a transaction method of 同行募集?

I’m looking at resale tickets for a concert on ticket.co.jp and the transaction method is 同行募集.

Does this mean that the person is literally looking to attend with people and be social or does it mean that they’re just going to go in with me since the checking of IDs can be strict at some concerts?

Other instructions include:

公演当日、開演 1時間前に最寄駅または会場付近にて待ち合わせし、同時入場していただきます。

  1. Yes, it just means you’re going in with them.
    Some people prefer to buy the entire set of ticket(s) off the seller so they don’t have to enter/attend with a stranger. In those cases, depending on the app, the seller would either have to give their account log-in info. Or some apps allow you to transfer tickets to a different account.

  2. They’re doing this because there’s a chance that the tickets can’t be shared and you have to go in together because the tickets are only on one phone.

    The last sentence even states that if the tickets end up being transferable, they will transfer them instead.

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