Anxiety after the move

I’ve been in Japan for about 6 months now. So far, I’ve loved it, honestly. The work I do is fulfilling, my coworkers are amazing, warm, welcoming, I genuinely feel that I have a good day every day. I made a few friends along the way. I enjoy having my own space. I have a routine and things I’m looking forward to. I’ve had a lot of time to focus on my hobbies. I’m picking up the language a fair bit. But, I feel like my body has reached a new normal, that new normal being constantly wound tight without me even being conscious of it a lot of the time.

I’m curious to know if anyone can relate. I seem to have developed an array of physical symptoms, it feels like it’s just one thing after another which of course causes more anxiety. I’ve been to the doctor and he also said these symptoms are a result of stress, poor sleep, and adjusting to the new diet and lifestyle. I’m just wondering if this is a common experience among people on this sub?

I’ve always dealt with anxiety on some level, but coming here seems to have triggered it more severely than I expected it to. I can’t even choose a single topic about what I can become anxious over, it’s just a bunch of little stresses that seem to pile up.

Has anyone else experienced heightened or moderate to severe anxiety after coming here? Or even random, weird symptoms as a result of adjusting?

(I have no regrets about my decision, like I said I love it here, but I would really like some people’s 2 cents on how they handled similar issues and/or to know I’m not the only one).

Really appreciate it, thank you so much in advance.

  1. I think that’s a common feeling. It’s even described in literature:,of%20a%20successful%20international%20experience.

    I guess your honeymoon phase is now over.

    I’ve read a few articles like the one above and it helped me in understanding that these feelings are normal and something that will fade away over time.

    So hang in there and you’ll feel even more at home! 🙂

  2. Yes I relate. So much of my life here is great but the anxiety was really high first 6 months. I didn’t really understand it because I was really happy or should be… but I was so anxious. It really took me by surprise. It’s just culture shock and the shock of living in this rather large city that I’m in (Tokyo) I guess. Next six months was much better and hopefully the next six months will be better again. Good luck.

  3. I definitely had this when I first got here, and my doctor said the same thing, new job and new lifestyle coupled with the stresses of moving and a new job can take a toll on the body even if you’re having a good time.

    As someone who has also dealt with anxiety for most of her life, personally, I found that setting aside time for my old self-care routines that I used to use back home really helped. The honeymoon phase does wear off after a while but 2 years on I’m still so happy here, so things will eventually settle down and you’ll start feeling back to normal, but it’s all about taking care of yourself while you’re working through that transition I think.

    Feel free to DM me if you need anything! I’m happy to give any advice!

  4. I feel relieved stumbling upon this thread. Also 6 months in after moving here and now feeling sick (emotionally, mentally, physically) and lost. Anyone who is reading this and experiencing the same, how are you coping?

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