Best places to search for apartments?

I’ve decided to go private as my school confirmed what the area PA suggested might be the case.

The house provided by my BOE is very old and FAR away from my school. The supervisor even suggested not choosing it lmao

What are some good websites to search for apartments on? My school will deal with securing the apartment for me so it doesn’t matter if it’s in English or not. I was told to tell them my preference and send them links to apartments I’m interested in.

I’m looking for an apartment in Gifu City around Gifu Castle/Gifu station. 1LDK ideally and under 55k pm. If I had 2 rooms that would be nice as I want a room to be an office space/spare room for guests.

I’ve found a few leopalace places under budget but after hearing what they’re like I’m unsure if I should consider that or not.

I plan on living there for 2+ years (assuming all goes well in year 1) so would like something nice.

  1. エイブル is a foreign friendly real estate agency, maybe have them look through them

  2. Just a question: Where did you find the list of schools you will work at? Was it in the terms and conditions your BOE sent you, or is it a separate document?

  3. I am currently working with MiniMini (ミニミニ) and so far they seem pretty good! They are a real estate agency that has some foreigner friendly housing. I also recommend Suumo for more listings!

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