Weekly Praise Thread – 15 September 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. I admire the …Play Ethics (?) of the elementary school kids in my neighbourhood.

    All summer when I take my kids out, I see them, group one-eight or so, playing soccer *hard* in the heat. Then, like there was a signal, they stop, run to the benches in the shade and drink water, and play on their Switchs and Phones for 10 minutes or so before playing soccer again.

    They play while resting from the heat, that’s just an efficient and respectable use of your summer vacation play time.

    Polite kids, too, they stop when there are passers-by, and once an old lady asked them to keep it down because she couldn’t hear her radio (she was sort of in the wrong, it’s outside, but some earphones), and they quieted down.

    Nice neighbourhood I live in.

  2. Everyone is getting sick at my schools (with everything). My coworker told me there was some study about how a school of kids was given R-1 yogurt every day and that year they didn’t have any class closures due to flu. She says this is how she’s stayed healthy for 5 years despite working at an elementary school. This sounds very intriguing, but I’m very picky about yogurt. I don’t like 95% of yogurt. Picked up some drinking yogurt at the store since that texture is more acceptable to me and I actually like it! How refreshing! Anyway, I’ll be drinking lots of R-1 yogurt and hope it makes me immune to all the diseases my students are passing around.

  3. I got asked to do a translation for head office, it was dead easy and I had it done in like one work day, and I still felt like I had slacked off on it a fair amount, but my boss said that head office were super impressed by how quickly we (I) got it done. I’m happy that they chose me out of all our translators and also that they were surprised by our quick turnaround.

    I used to work in a thankless job where I would get super “お急ぎ” jobs every couple of hours and was constantly scrambling, and never got a word of thanks for it.

    So my praise is that a) I managed to impress head office and b) that I now work for a company that respects its workers.

  4. I raise praise to my friends!

    Just adding a few friends makes an usually unmemorable activity worth so much more. Just this week I’ve been for a run with a friend, went to sauna (sento) with two and a walk with another. All of these things when done alone are just mundane everyday activities but when done with friends the experience becomes more. Praise friends!

    Also composed and mixed up a new song I’m rather proud of that’s in 5/4 time and has an interesting melody with an unusual harmony backing it up. I feel like studying all that 楽典 is starting to pay off.

  5. I can’t believe that bentos at convinient store are that delicious. I’ve spent a lot of money on those and I don’t regret it, hahah.

  6. Got driving license through exchange earlier this week, first road trip since I moved in planned this week-end, got rent-a-car discount through benefit station.

    We will go to Izu, I want to go there since I’ve read 伊豆の踊り子 (Izu no odoriko) by Kawabata (this author is one of my favourites, none of his novels look like another, it’s always a new experience. 100% recommend to read few of his novels).

    After 25 years skiing with rental ski and boots, finally bought my own. Skis are second hand Dynastar bought through Mercari, boots are brand new K2. The store tuned the boot shell by heating it up so that it fits better my foot. Boots are way more comfy than rental. Can’t wait for the season to start ! If my knees handle it I will participate to ski trainings and competition with the ski club of my company.

  7. I applied for some English teaching jobs and got 2 messages back requesting interviews already! Very excited to be earning money again

  8. My oldest actually said he wants to go see a baseball game so we got tickets for a Carp game in a couple weeks!

  9. LOADS of inspiration this week, blew up my friend’s inbox talking about them. Also lit a fire in my ass to start researching about visa post graduation…

    Very good gym days recently! God bless Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1.

    Gyoumu Super’s frozen chapati. So good it’s literally crack.

  10. The Calbee フルグラ cereals are so good, my favorite cereals I ever had. Talking about the plain ones in the white bag. Just a great taste and consistency.

  11. Electricity bill was less than 7,000 yen.

    3LDK, used aircons, washer/dryer and dishwasher plenty.

    No idea why but not complaining

  12. Since the title doesn’t say the good stuff had to happen in Japan, here we go.

    Touchless payments in EU (at least in France).

    I’m on a business trip to France, and those wireless CC readers are everywhere and they are SO convenient.

    Finishing my dinner at a small restaurant and want to pay? The girl just immediately whips out a portable CC reader, punches in the sum and I can use the touchless payment thingy on the amazon CC and it takes pretty much the same time it takes to pay the fare with Suica. Want receipt? It prints that out too? Want real receipt? Well finally the server has to go inside to fetch it.

    But man this is SO convenient. I withdrew like 60eur at the first day to make sure I can pay for the taxi to the hotel. and I didn’t even need that. Every little shop takes touchless payment.

    Japan needs this. The system must be much cheaper here to implement per store, otherwise it wouldn’t have taken off so well.

  13. Despite the heat, my electricity bills are really close to what they were last year, and the year before. Hooray for keeping the big energy users clean, and operating in recommended ranges!

  14. * formalized agreement with 2nd partner, 3 projects to take part in immediately. not a lot of income, but better than nothing and they’re willing to pay better than my asking price

    * potential 3rd partner on the horizon!

    * one of the proposals i worked on a couple of weeks ago looks like it’s going to be green-lit, should receive official notification soon

    * thank you to the doctors and staff

    * love my friends <3

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