Can’t get a job without permission, can’t get permission without a job…

Anyone else in the same boat, or have some guidance?

I’m on a dependent visa and I’m desperate to find a job to get my own money coming in. Only thing is, I need to apply for the “Permission to engage in activities…” to allow me to work, and the individual permission asks for a job contract to confirm hours, pay, etc. Not only that, I’ve found the process takes between 2 weeks and 2 months!

I’m only looking for part-time (casual) work, no employer is going to sit around waiting for me and my application to go through.

Any other dependents here? What did you do?

  1. I don’t think you’re reading it correctly, also your main purpose isn’t to work on a dependent visa so maybe if you wanna work switch to work visa.

    My wife is on dependant visa and was really easy to get work permission. No proof of job necessary. Are you sure you’re not looking and switch to work visa instructions?

  2. For the part asking about job contract, hours, salary, etc, just leave it blank. They will understand that you don’t have info about this yet.

    SO applied twice (had to renew passport and reesidence card) and both were approved in 2weeks

  3. You can get 28 hour work permission per week without any job. Just need to get the zairyu card stamped at immigration office

  4. I just went through this process OP.
    Just fill the form and leave the job part blank.
    Drop the form at the immigration office, and you should get a reply between 2 weeks and 2 months (took 1 month for me).

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