Meeting japanese extended family for the first time. Any tips?

My stepsister’s uncle married a Japanese woman a few years back and they are coming to my home country for the first time with a couple of kids. I’ve been studying japanese for a while now, but never had any chance to talk with native speakers. My sister asked me to meet them and talk with them a little, so they would feel more comfortable during their trip. I’m seeing them on the weekend and thought it would be nice to have a few common sentences rehearsed. I’m already working on my introduction and a few basic questions, like “what’s your name” “what do you like to eat” etc. What else could I keep in mind when talking to them? Like, both conversation starters and manners.

(Sorry for any typos, English not first language. Also, my japanese level is about N4, though, I’m more comfortable with reading and writing than listening.)

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