Move In/Internet problems

Hello there,

So I’ve finally find a new apartment to move in, was able to cut out the 礼金 and rent so everything was going pretty well until I tried to transfer my Hikari contract to my new apartment.

The mansion is from 2007 so not very old but it got no individual optic fiber line. The only thing available is a UCOM Hikari residence with 100Mbps…

I’m a heavy internet user (Game/Work) so it doesn’t work for me, so much that I’m already thinking about finding a new place (signed the contrat one week ago, will have to pay a lot to get free and to move out/in again) .

For me to keep my actual internet contract (SoftBank Hikari) construction work is needed but it looks like a big no for the 管理会社, even if it’s about a 1cm hole… I’ll try to change their minds on Tuesday, but so far I’m very depressed by this situation (financially it’s gonna be hard).

I tried to look into alternative such as SoftBank air and such, but it seems very bad and there is a limit in usage, once it’s reached, speed slow down.. In 2023..

Anyway, I was wondering if someone has any alternative/advice.
Is it possible to do the construction work even if the 管理会社 is against ? What do I risk ?

(I already know it’s my fault for not checking before signing the contract, I just never thought this situation was possible in 2023).

  1. Did they not tell you what was available in the building before moving in? The paperwork usually lists if Hikari fiber is available.

  2. Unfortunately I have no solutions for you.

    When you look next, you can ask if the unit has individual fiber, you can also check if there’s a fiber outlet in the shoe closet. Ucom is usually advertised in the apartment specs, they think it’s a selling point and advertise as “free internet”…

    You can also give a try to ucom? If it’s true 100mbps it’s not bad at all for working, and doesn’t mean the ping will be bad for gaming.

  3. (Not a solution but) Even 2023 not all buildings have the infrastructure updated. Anyway even if you apply for a construction NTT or KDDI will need to go to see if they can do it ir not(area availability, floor, etc) it is just no a “little hole”. I believe the hole will be bigger in your pocket if something goes wrong.

  4. How come 100mbps doesn’t work for you? Asking as a network engineer. Gaming is latency sensitive, not bandwidth intensive and you should be ok to have 4-8 simultaneous 4K streams going with 100mbps. Zoom calls max out at 4mbps.

    The only thing I’d be concerned with is if you upload/download massive (10GB+) files many times a day, since that is bandwidth restrictive.

  5. You should test the connection before moving out. Could be much better or much worse than you expect.

    > I already know it’s my fault for not checking before signing the contract

    Understatement of the year. Poor internet availability is one of the top sources of dissatisfaction among renters besides the cost of rent, size of the apartment, and neighbor noise.

    > What do I risk ?

    You agreed to restoring the unit to its original condition except for normal wear and tear (原状回復). They’re going to notice fiber modifications and given how notorious agencies are when it comes to move-out checks, expect it to cost you, assuming the provider even agrees to the construction.

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