Advertising for small businesses in Japan

Hi there,

So I’m trying to get word out about my eikaiwa business, and so I’m looking for common places I can advertise.

I have already applied at my city train station, and also the main post office, and have an advert on Jimoty. I’m wondering if there are some other common places where I can enquire about putting up posters, or leaving flyers for my business in Japan? My city hall actually allows for web banners, so I’m currently looking into that, and my local sports park has a scheme (though a little pricey).

  1. Other small businesses might allow you to leave some flyers. My vet’s office has a local eikaiwa’s flyers.

    You can also ask at local grocery stores and some convenience stores. A lot of them in my area allow you to leave flyers.

  2. If you don’t mind joining the Google Empire, you can register your business on Google Maps.

  3. Check out the permit required and hand out fliers at your local train station.

    Your best tool, though, is word of mouth by happy customers. Offer people a discount for each new person they introduce who signs up.

  4. There’s a Ministop down the street from me that has a rack of flyers from local business, including someone’s English school. It may be worth asking around at convenience stores and other businesses with heavy foot traffic in your area.

  5. – Google ads/maps
    – Eigohiroba and other eikaiwa school listing sites
    – flyers at the station (absolutely do this)
    – Costco! (If you’re a member)
    – public centers
    – discounts for current students for recommending friends and family

  6. Is it a kids eikaiwa? If so, offer to do free or very cheap morning lessons at private kindergartens/daycares near your eikaiwa a few times a year in exchange for leaving your flyers or poster up in the entrance of the kinder/daycare

  7. My wife was lucky and got lots from word of mouth from a mum who owned a cafe. That then gave her the idea to find small local cafes and ask to put newsletter type things in there

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