Repitition of 学 necessary?

My friend is an archeology student currently learning Japanese. My question is, since archeology is 考古学, and student is 学生, do I have to refer to him as a 考古学学生, or is 考古学生 ok?

Thank you.

  1. 考古学の大学生
    You cant make compounds as easily as you do in English.
    考古学学生 is Chinese.

  2. 考古学生 is very weird, maybe wrong.

    考古学学生 is weird, maybe wrong.

    I would personally say 考古学科の学生 or 考古学専攻の学生(=考古学を専攻している学生)

  3. Normally you should use a connector here: 考古学の学生

    But yes, the two 学s are necessary, since they are part of two different words. Japanese is far less allergic to repetition or tautology than us in the West
    (In fact, if you take a look at official papers like a diploma, they will be full with such phrases, it’s perfectly normal. Your shortened version could only work as a punny nickname or the title of a story)

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