Actual treatment for PCOS

Has anyone here actually had good treatment for PCOS out here? I live in the Kasai area and was diagnosed it out here. I’ve been to a few gynecologists about it, but because I can’t take birth control and am not trying to conceive they’ve all just told me I’m SOL and to lose weight.
I was getting spironolactone from a doctor in Tokyo through the CLINICS app, but after a year on it I saw no changes.
I’m at my wits end. Can anyone in Kansai recommend a gyno that actually takes it seriously?

  1. I can’t help you for recommendations, but I would suggest you see an endocrinologist and not a gyno for PCOS. My gyno barely knew anything and I had to get referred to an endocrinologist (States-side, now).

    Treatment options will probably just be Metformin, though if you can’t take birth control. Losing weight *is* the only real way to get it under control, because there isn’t a cure.

  2. As someone with pcos for over 15 years, I can give you one tip: Inositol.
    Losing weight -even 5%- will help with symptoms if you are overweight. (Not everyone with PCOS is overweight)
    But Inositol is supplement that will help regulate your cycle and hormones, and better than medicine like Metformin which is mostly used for diabetes. This has honestly helped a lot personally, you can research it and/or ask your doctor.

  3. >I’m at my wits end.

    I don’t get it.

    The doctors are giving you clear instructions. You need to lose weight. PCOS is overwhelmingly caused by being overweight, and you can alleviate your symptoms by not being overweight.

    Edit: OP, downvoting me won’t make your PCOS go away.

  4. I have PCOS, I live in Kansai, and I’m not on the birth control pill.

    I was undergoing fertility treatments when I was diagnosed. The IVF team recommended I lose weight before they do another insertion, but they didn’t give me a treatment plan. They left it all up to me.

    I managed to lose 9.6kg/21lbs over four months on my own with adjusting my diet and exercise (walking and stationary bike). I have a lot to go still, but my next appointment isn’t until November, so I have time.

    The hospital I go to is 兵庫医科大学病院 Hyogo Ika Dai Byoin in Nishinomiya, Hyogo.

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