Giri / Haji episode 6 question 義理 / 恥

So I’ve rewatched the series a few times and I’m always left thinking about the beach scene when they honor their father/grandfather (Hotaka). Is there some link to why Taki uses the stones in the ceremony and write his name on it and then wash it off? Also curious as to the plants and bottle of booze next to the shrine before they walked away. Just looking to see if anybody has more insight into what that ceremony might be closely linked to.

1 comment
  1. Sorry, this isn’t an answer to your question but I tried to watch this series and I was turned off by the Japanese dialog and couldn’t get past episode 1. It felt like they wrote the script in English and had someone translate it, then had the Japanese actors speak the lines verbatim. It just didn’t feel like natural Japanese dialog to me.

    Anyone else feel this way?

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