Election night

Just a thread for tonight…one minute to go…

And there we go, quite a landslide for LDP it seems, and Ishin could grow.


  1. How long will it take before we actually have a decent political landscape with different parties and not just LDP winning every time? How difficult can it be for the opposition?

  2. It looks like a huge LDP victory. The party will still face ongoing internal division though on fiscal policy–the balance will likely shift towards fiscal conservatism as a result of the passing of Abe.

  3. So what would it take for a non-LDP government to become reality somewhere down the line? Back in 2007 it was aggressive manifests by the DP combined with a passive LDP that resulted in a DP majority.
    But now I feel that just manifests are not enough and not even a political scandal can dethrone the LDP. I feel that the only way for a regime change to happen is for a LDP prime minister to literally commit murder or try to ban the parliament. What do other think?

  4. Cool can they open up the country now that this boring predictable conclusion has been reached.

  5. The minority parties need to figure out how to capture seats in Tohoku, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu. They won one seat in Aomori, one seat in Fukuoka, and got obliterated everywhere else.

    CDP strongholds like Kyoto and Nagano are also barely holding up–devastating result for the CDP.

  6. 1am Update – 3 constituencies and 10 PR seats left:

    ⬆️ LDP up by 4 (Likely to pick up one more seat in Hokkaido)

    ⬇️ Rikken down by 9 (Likely to pick up one seat in Hokkaido, one seat in Kanagawa possible)

    ⬆️ Ishin up by 4

    ⬇️ Kokumin down by 3

  7. Just some random personal takes on the night (that I feel like yelling out in a fit of arrogance)

    – I am surprised and saddened to see that the far-right Sanseito will win a seat through the proportional block. Their beliefs include anti-mask and anti-vaccine stuff. Here’s a [twitter thread on their and their candidate’s beliefs](https://twitter.com/mrjeffu/status/1538138076442394624?s=20&t=Z6ES2hEnAPxCCOWHY-EOTA)

    – I am not a LDP supporter but im not too sad to see them win in Iwate. Ozawa Ichiro’s power in Japanese politics coming to an end is something that I am quite glad about (for those who are unaware he has been a mainstay in Japanese politics for around 40 years. He is specially powerful in Iwate prefecture, which is sometimes referred to as ‘Ozawa’s kingdom’. The Ozawa endorsed candidate has won every single HoC election for a very long time in Iwate, until now)

    – theres a decent chance that the storied Social Democratic Party might be coming to an end in terms of representation in the HoC tonight. That’d he historically notable because it will be the first time ever since the House of Councillors creation in 1946. UPDATE – She has won, so they live on!

    – im disappointed that Mori Yuko losing, I think she was a very good member of the CDP, even if she was a member of the Ozawa Faction.

    – Tsujimoto Kiyomi winning in the PR block is very good, I was quite disappointed that she lost in Osaka to Ishin last year. I know it was expected but Renho winning again in Tokyo is also good for the CDP IMO.

    – Eri Arufiya could be a very interesting figure to watch if she is able to win. She got the plum endorsement of [Kono Taro](https://twitter.com/konotarogomame/status/1545781513102340097?s=20&t=pxOpiaMO0WYTpPyFJqtVfQ) for her race in the PR. She’s notable for being 33 and also being of Uyghur descent. Also, during the campaign she pissed off a lot of right wing netizens when she said that [women should be able to retain their surname in marriage](https://twitter.com/eri_arfiya/status/1542734285891080192?s=20&t=Z6ES2hEnAPxCCOWHY-EOTA). UPDATE – she was unable to, still being so young she could easily enter the diet at a different date.
    – Im glad that the CDP didnt get beaten by Ishin, the polls weren’t showing It happening but I am still glad. Clearly not a very meaningful result if that had happened but I fear that the psychological effect could have been significant.
    – It will be interesting to see what happens to Ishin seen as their leader Matsui Ichiro (as he already planned) is stepping down, and as Yoshimura Hirofumi, the governor of Osaka, has said he won’t run to replace him.

    Edit – corrected an error as I incorrectly thought that the SDP didnt have any seats in the HoR.

  8. Hoping Kokumin can expand more in the future, but sadly they might be too sensible to garner much support…

    Still had my vote though

  9. I’ll run for PM. I don’t know the language, I don’t know the party issues, I don’t even know the names of towns around the country. Although I do know a thing or two about guns. I dream of a Japan where 95% of the population owns n operates firearms safely. Vote for me l, American Joe, n I’ll bring y’all to the promised land.

  10. I feel like this is some time travel anime plot where assassin sent back in time to curve LDP constitution revision and stop WWIII or somthing.

  11. Just as Einstein envisioned a united states of europe, i propose a united states of the east pacific, countries in the region should form a political and military alliance, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, taiwan, hong kong, humanity can’t be carried by silicon valley and western politicians alone, we need to diversify the future, should western society fail, something will carry on the legacy, it means a great deal to me, tyrants destroying the world, i don’t want it to have all been for nothing, anarchy and evil reign supreme, we forget that we were ever good, ever cared. it’s more than a physical battle, it’s a battle for the soul

  12. LDP again wins with 35% plurality of the vote. I sometimes wonder if Japan’s election system was designed specifically to produce a one-party democracy.

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