never-resident US/JP dual citizen looking to move, is this risky

i have both passports and am registered in japanese mom’s koseki but have lived and worked my whole life in the US. i speak and read japanese fluently. am mid-30s.

if i move to japan, will i get in legal trouble if try to operate as a japanese citizen? like using the health insurance. i don’t think i’m strictly speaking still allowed to hold citizenship, age-wise.

also will i need to pay back taxes or something? i have had steady income in the US but have earned nothing in japan yet. I know japan taxes worldwide income though.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **never-resident US/JP dual citizen looking to move, is this risky**

    i have both passports and am registered in japanese mom’s koseki but have lived and worked my whole life in the US. i speak and read japanese fluently. am mid-30s.

    if i move to japan, will i get in legal trouble if try to operate as a japanese citizen? like using the health insurance. i don’t think i’m strictly speaking still allowed to hold citizenship, age-wise.

    also will i need to pay back taxes or something? i have had steady income in the US but have earned nothing in japan yet. I know japan taxes worldwide income though.

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  2. Just use your JP passport to enter and exit and I really don’t think you’ll have an issue.

  3. If you were born with both citizenships — either you were born in the U.S., or you were born to a U.S. citizen — don’t ask/don’t tell applies. Only Japanese citizens who choose to obtain another citizenship (ie naturalization) must relinquish their JP citizenship.

    Exit the U.S. on the U.S. passport and enter Japan on the Japan passport. Do the opposite when you leave Japan. This is for moving, travel etc.

    For taxes, the U.S. and Japan have a treaty that prevents double taxation. But since you were living in the U.S., you don’t owe Japan taxes. Only America requires you to pay taxes if you live abroad. So, when you move to Japan, you’ll be liable for U.S. taxes and I suggest familiarizing yourself with the 2023/2024 income ceiling for the FEIE.

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