Help with reading manga

I’m reading バガボンド and some of the kanji appears to have furigana next to it, but as far as I can tell it isn’t the correct furigana for the kanji. I can’t seem to figure out how I’m supposed to read this. I will try and reproduce what it looks like in the manga. It is written up to down rather than side to side. I will put what appears to be furigana in parentheses.

関 (い)

ケ (く)

原 (さ)

I can link to a picture if my attempt is not clear enough.

  1. It’s common in manga to put unconventional furigana on things, usually to give it a double meaning or to translate some jargon or foreign word.

    Here I’d guess they’re saying いくさ (battle/war) out loud, but using the kanji to clarify to the reader that they specifically mean the battle of 関ヶ原 (normally read せきがはら)

  2. – 関ケ原 “Sekigahara” (a place name)

    – 戦(いくさ) “war, battle” (archaic)

    The guy just says 戦(いくさ) “the battle”, and it actually means the [Battle of Sekigahara](, one of the most notable battles in Japan.

    Since the battle was memorized by people of the time as the most unforgettable warfare, if you just said “the battle”, it meant the Battle of Sekigahara.

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