Renting private onsen in Tokyo? (JUST onsen)

Where can I rent an onsen in Tokyo?

Not a hotel, just a private onsen.

  1. Look on google maps in your area for places with 家族風呂 ? You don’t mean renting out an ENTIRE onsen right?

  2. Tokyo doesn’t quite have the right geology for **onsen**, so there’s not much choice.

    []( has a list; it’s short.

    What you can do: find a “family” **sento**. Google, call, etc.

    Use a fancy one like []( (meal + onsen, afaik, looks like it’s private in the photos, call to ask).

    Take a train out of Tokyo: Hakone is only 85 minute away; Takao-san (not sure if private); Chiba around Narita airport, etc.

  3. Ryokan Sawanoya 旅館 澤の屋 near Nezu Shrine has a few private onsen that you can rent for an hour or two, if I remember correctly.

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