Can US student get grants/loans for engineering undergraduate degrees in Japan?

I would like to study in Japan and wondering if there are any Japanese student grants or Japanese private student loans to study in Japan. I need to take larger loans because I want to bring my wife with me.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Can US student get grants/loans for engineering undergraduate degrees in Japan?**

    I would like to study in Japan and wondering if there are any Japanese student grants or Japanese private student loans to study in Japan. I need to take larger loans because I want to bring my wife with me.

    Any advice would be appreciated.


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  2. These are the ones I know about:

    Waseda University and Nagoya University are the ones that come to mind when I think about a degree in engineering in English. They offer scholarships but are highly competitive. However, there are a lot of universities that receive international students. Examples: KUAS, SIT, Tsukuba, SOKENDAI, Tohoku, Keio, and ICU. I am not sure if they provide an engineer degree, but I do know that a lot of these give scholarships to excellent applicants. The best escenario would be that you were proficient in Japanese and did an EJU, and then applied to the Japanese degrees. If not, you can still search for an English degree, but these options are too competitive and limited.

    Your other option is MEXT, but that one is way harder. Jasso also offers scholarships.

    Edit: I forgot! As far as I know, loans are only granted to people with a permanent residency or Japanese nationality.

    That’s all I know, dm me if you have more questions!

  3. As said by [pinkYoshi_](, “student loans” are for Japanese citizens and PR holders. There are a couple foreign universities that allow getting student loans outside Japan and transferring to their Japanese campus but they are among the worst schools in the world.

    First, you should try reading the threads on [scholarships]( which will point you to [**JASSO scholarships**](

    1. [Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students](

    2. [Student Exchange Support Program {Scholarship for Study in Japan under Agreement}](

    3. [Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship])(

    Also, here’s a list of scholarships you can look up:

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