Regular gym goers. Are you using オオサカ堂 to buy TRT or anything else?

I’m not looking for steroids but I’m getting older and before I buy anything I’d like to hear from people with experience.

  1. There are clinics that specialize in this. Go to one and they will give you a prescription and you can use your insurance to pay for most of it.

  2. I’m in my 40’s now and had a lot of friends that ruined their bodies using that stuff. Why are you trying to shortcut your strength training? Is it for girls or your own confidence? If it’s either of those, don’t waste your health.

  3. Be careful about it. Once you start you’ll be dependent on it. If you decide to stop it won’t be the same as before you started.

  4. Although I don’t know much about the subject it is a little concerning how a lot of male celebrities/influencers promote the use of TRT and how it “changed their lives”.

    I’m not sure if the average Tom, Dick and Harry have the resources to receive treatment/bloodwork for the foreseeable future, I read coming off testosterone is a nasty business.

  5. Why don’t you try Tribulus terrestris herb extract? Although, given how supplements are completely unregulated and unchecked, who knows whether they are not contaminated with some steroids.

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