Anyone move their home server from US to Japan?

I was thinking of just removing the drives and shipping those, and buying another enclosure when I get there. Did anyone else ship their whole NAS to Japan? In their luggage? Or moving boxes?

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    **Anyone move their home server from US to Japan?**

    I was thinking of just removing the drives and shipping those, and buying another enclosure when I get there. Did anyone else ship their whole NAS to Japan? In their luggage? Or moving boxes?

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  2. I’m thinking about the same thing but with a full sized tower. Considering either taking it as luggage in a big suitcase, or taking out everything and buying a new tower in Japan. The downside would obviously be all the time wasted on disassembling and assembling.

  3. I recently moved my tower PC to Japan, took it apart and broke it down into major components. Everything sealed up in anti static bags (very important due to high levels of static up at 36,000ft). And then integrated it into my suitcase wrapping in clothes etc.

    Did not bring PSU or case. Drives I brought as carry on due to how important the files are to me (lifetime of memories etc).

    I am yet to rebuild it as I just moved here two weeks ago and am staying in temp accom now but everything seems fine and I don’t think I will have any issues when I come to rebuilding it. Note, if you don’t know how to build a PC to begin with maybe this option isn’t for you.

    Customs gave me no headaches I think it’s not that uncommon for people to do this when they are moving. It seemed normal to the inspector.

  4. Yes, but our home server is a cute little NUC haha. it’s about to take the trip in a suitcase. maybe even carry-on

  5. I moved my servers from EU to Japan (total 18 hdds + some ssd but this doesnt count in this case since they dont care about moving :p)

    I left the drives in the cases because it protect the drives from the hit so its somewhat safe. remove big card (graphic card) or heavy cpu cooler and pack separatly.

    Backup everything on S3/blackblaze, your friend house and you should be safe 🙂

    I received everything 3 months later with my moving boxes, re set the coolers and cards, started like nothing happened 🙂

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