How to get rid of cockroaches permanently

We tried cleaning house every weekend,using cockroach spray/insecticide etc. But they keep reappearing again. Can someone give a permanent solution. We have been facing it for over a year now.

  1. I think it’s almost impossible to give advice other than the standard. My detached home in Tokyo gets less than one cockroach a year (*knock on wood*) in the traps I leave out so cockroaches aren’t an inevitability?

    Do you leave out bait traps, black caps? Do you sprinkle boric acid under and behind furniture (if you don’t have pets)? Is your home really old? Do you have messy neighbours?

  2. If they’re the big kind, they’re coming from outside, there’s not much you can do besides using outside traps.

    I used to live across the street from a graveyard and you’d see them wandering around outside at night. I would get one or two every summer, it was just a statistical inevitability.

    If their the smaller kind, just cleaning won’t be enough.

  3. Stop using cockroach spray, use slow acting poison. The cockroaches that eat the poison carry it back to their nest. After they die in their nest, their cockroach friends will eat their poisoned body and die as well.

    The best poison is ブラックキャップ by the company アース

    If you live in a house or on the first floor, then get some outdoor caps (屋外用) in addition to indoor.

  4. I’m in Kanagawa and looking for a solution to an infested property I just bought. We delayed our renovation and move in and set out black caps to see how extensive the infestation was. They worked very well and we found six dead after about five days (all German nymphs). So we have a big and generational infestation.

    Thinking about hiring a pest control/exterminator. But I’ve read on other posts that they aren’t very common or effective.

  5. Borax (ホウ砂) and icing sugar (粉糖). Mix 50-50 and leave out in bottlecaps or jar lids, something easy for the roaches to get into. The sugar attracts them and the borax slowly poisons them over a few days. They’ll ingest it, and dust themselves in it as they do, and in turn spread it around the others in the nest who will ingest it as they groom themselves. The ones that die in the nest will be eaten by the others (asian roaches are voracious cannibals) and in turn be poisoned. It takes a little time, but this will wipe out the entire nest.

    Obviously, keep this mixture away from pets and small children. Under the refrigerator is a great spot if you have pets or kiddos to worry about.

  6. Used to get 2-3 every summer but ever since I’ve put down those black caps I haven’t seen one in years .

  7. Black caps. Inside your house, and outside. Inside, put them under the sink, under the fridge, wherever you think they’re coming from, and wherever you think they might hide.
    For outside, put them under the outdoor ac units, trash bins, and around any dark and tight spaces roaches may like. The wider the area you place the black caps, the more likely you are to prevent future infestations.
    Do not spray any roach spray. The sprays will repel roaches, making the black caps less effective.

    Inside of your house, seal any holes that don’t need to be there. Many times there’ll be a space where the skink drain goes into the floor, so seal those spaces.
    And for AC units, get a bug cap for the drain hose outside.

    As someone also mentioned, boric acid powder is also a safe item to use. You can *lightly* dust areas under your sink and such and if the roaches walk through the powder they’ll clean their legs off with their mouths and ingest the boric acid, which will dehydrate them over a few days. Don’t pour too much or it’ll absorb moisture and just clump up.
    You can also mix boric acid in some warm water and spray it on the outside of your house. When it dries it will leave a fine powder.

    And remember the black caps are bait, so you want to make sure there’s no alternate source of food.

  8. The first thing you should do is incredibly obvious if you know it, but a lot of foreigners don’t know about it. You need to buy the plugs that go on the Aircon hoses outside your apartment. That’s usually how they are coming in. Don’t worry, there are small holes on the plugs, so that the hoses don’t get clogged. In addition to that you need to put poison traps throughout your apartment, as well as outside near the doors and windows. Finally, there is some kind of special sand you buy that bugs don’t like to cross. You just spread it around outside near your windows and doors.

    You’ll never be able to get rid of the cockroaches by using spray and keeping your apartment clean. In Japan, cockroaches live outside—you need to keep them from coming in.

    You’ll need to replace the Aircon plugs and the poison traps about once a year. The sand needs to be replaced more regularly.

  9. Close your bath tub drain at night with a cap. This got us rid of the problem completely.

  10. American cockroach or the smaller German cockroach?

    You can buy yellow sticky pads that trap any bug, hopefully not too many spiders. The point of the pads is to put them in each room to track where they are getting in at, not as a means of defense itself.

    Once you find the location or locations I like to use diatomaceous earth and put some inside those turkey baster or lens blower air squeeze thing. Then you can blow the dust right into the cracks where they come from before covering the cracks that you can. (I could only find 10kg bag on Amazon at the time I had problems you probably don’t need more than 500g and it will last a while) if you have pets or young kids you can spend extra to buy the food grade version that is used as an additive.

    The earth will pull water out of their bodies dehydrating them until they die, they can’t clean it off with their mouths either or will die faster. They will track the dust back to their nest and it kills the eggs.

    Then like others have said also have poison food traps as well, you have to hit hard so multiple attacks to get rid of them or keep them at bay in you neighbors apartment, they will remember yours is a death trap.

  11. I sprayed Fumakilla Cockroach One Push Pro Plus from Amazon in every possible corner in my house every month. I always found the cockroaches dead after I started using this spray.

  12. Buy the black cap thingies. Bought them and put them down around the house when I saw one. Haven’t seen one since and that was around 2 years ago. They do require replacing every year or so though, it’s not a one and done kind of thing, but the do work long term.

  13. Your neighbors probably are infested with them. Nothing you can do but move. No matter how clean you are they will keep coming back.

  14. We have had a few cockroaches in the house this year. We find they come in when there has been heavy rain. We believe they are coming up through the drains in the bathroom, most likely as we don’t have baths in the summer.

    I would around outside and see if you can identify potential nest spots. Think dark bushes, undisturbed piles of stuff, aircon units, car tires etc. If you can find the nest then you can put black caps around it to kill them, then over the winter move stuff to stop the nest re forming.

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