Any trick to getting Rakuten Mobile B&M stores to sign me up with my US iPhone? Turned away.

I was just turned away from a Rakuten Store by an employee who would not help me get service because my phone US purchased iPhone doesn’t have the regulatory certification for Japan opperation.

I’ve googled, and read posts here, and it seems that:

1. This may be reasonable of them to do
2. It may be unreasonable because of some (apparently) agreement between Japan and the US with regard to some sort of reciprocity with these things (see [this](
3. Regardless I am 100% sure that many foreigners, including people I know personally, have had no issue going into Rakuten / other non major providers and had no issue getting service on their US purchased iPhones.

My question is if anybody has any particular great advice as to how I can do this. For example (not saying this would work), I wondered if I could just not bring my phone at all, just sign up for service and get a SIM card. I suspect they’d want to see my phone.

Any advice would be much appreciated!

  1. Why not sign up for their 1 yen Rakuten Hand phone? Then figure out how to transfer the eSIM to your US iPhone.

  2. My iPhone 11 is from US. Working fine in Japan. The problem now is iPhones in USA started to be Simcardless. Japan and other countries not ready to move onto eSim.

  3. I insisted and said if it doesn’t work I’ll use my old phone. They signed me up after that

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