Interac Membership in the Tozen Union: Frequently Asked Questions

**Interac Membership in the Tozen Union: Frequently Asked Questions**



**What is Tozen?**



Tozen is a national union of mostly foreign workers. For more than thirteen years, Tozen has been punching far above its weight, getting results at the negotiating table by pursuing fair deals while being unafraid to strike and protest when employers refuse to negotiate.




The Interac shop is the group of Interac employees within the ALT Local. The ALT Local is within Tozen.




**Why do people join the Interac shop?**



Members of the Interac shop are united by a shared commitment to improve Interac for each other, our fellow teachers, and our students. Some of our members are dissatisfied with their pay, working conditions, or the company’s lack of transparency. Others were victims of harassment or unfair treatment before joining, or are new to Japan and are vulnerable to exploitation.


インタラック分科会の組合員は、お互いのため、同僚の教師のため、そして生徒のために、インタラックをより良くしていこうという共通の決意で団結しています。組合員の中には、給与や労働条件、会社の不透明性に不満を感じている人もいます。加入前にハラスメントや不当な扱いを受けた人や 、日本に来たばかりで労働搾取の被害を受けやすい人もいます。


The union’s purpose is to address these issues with Interac and find a meaningful, reasonable compromise. When the company stonewalls negotiations or breaks the law, the union strikes, protests, and takes legal action when necessary.




**Who’s in the union?**



Our Interac membership includes members from across Japan and at all stages of their careers. Some are in their first year, others have been with the company more than ten years. In the union we have substitute teachers, elementary school, junior and senior high school teachers, and also a Consulting Head Teacher.




**Who will support me if I join the union?**



We all support each other. Your Case Officer and the Interac Shop Steward will be your main points of contact in emergencies. The President and Vice Presidents of the ALT local are also there to support you with any issues. We also share advice, resources, job opportunities, and do our best to support each other with any non-work issues we might have.

私たちは皆、互いに支え合っています。インタラックの担当者か分科会の代表が、緊急時の主な連絡先となります。ALT支部の支部長と副支部長も、どんな問題でもあなたをサポートします。また、アドバイスや リソース、仕事の機会を共有し、仕事以外の問題でもお互いをサポートするために最善を尽くしています。


**Will Interac fire me for joining a union?**



It is illegal for Interac to fire its employees for joining a union. The Labor Union Act (1946) guarantees the rights of all Interac employees to join labor unions, engage in Collective Bargaining, and strike. The chances of retaining your job are significantly higher as a union member. The 10+ year tenure of many of our members is testament to that.




In 2022, one of our members experienced what the union considers to be a retaliatory and illegal form of termination. In response, Tozen added this offense to its lawsuit against Interac which is currently ongoing at the Tokyo Labor Commission. Tozen is fighting for this member’s reinstatement along with full back pay. All of our members were renewed for the 2023-2024 school year without incident.




**Will Interac treat me disadvantageously for joining a union?**



It’s illegal to discriminate against union members for their membership. When you join, we declare to your employer that you are now represented by the union. Generally speaking, we declare Interac members within a month. From that point on, the company has to treat you in accordance with their agreements with the union, and any changes to your working conditions have to be presented to you for negotiation.



There have been some instances of what Tozen considers to be disadvantageous treatment toward its members, but we are currently fighting those cases at the Tokyo Labor Commission. Overall, union members are treated better than average, despite management’s insistence that they “can’t treat union members differently.”




**What knowledge can I gain by joining a union?**



It can be difficult to understand your rights under Japanese law. For example, there is no penalty to employers for writing legally unenforceable clauses into their contracts, so many companies behave as if you have no choice but to accept their demands. However, a full-time instructor’s contract must adhere to the Labor Standards Act. It cannot be superseded by any company rule or “Working Regulation.”


日本の法律における自分の権利について理解するのは、難しいことかもしれません。例えば、法的強制力のない条項を契約書に書き込んでも、雇用主には何の罰則もありません。そのため、あたかも彼らの要求を受け入れるしかないかのように振る舞う会社も少なくありません。ただし、フルタイム講師の契約は労働基準法を遵守しなければなりません。会社の規則や “就業規則 “が優先するのではありません。


Tozen Daigaku is an ongoing online lecture series conducted by the union where you can learn more about your rights at work. Additionally, all members are welcome to be present during consultations with union lawyers.




**What is striking?**



Striking is when union members leave or do not attend work in protest of a company’s actions. Union members strike together, in strict accordance with the Labor Union Act. Striking is often necessary when negotiations break down. It’s sometimes the only way that the union can persuade a company to come back to the table. Tozen is currently in dispute with Interac, and we strike at least once a month. Some members prefer to strike more, and that’s fine too.




**What does striking entail?**



The Interac shop has been conducting three types of strikes—all day strikes, half-day strikes, and strikes after the first period. The union has found that striking partial days is more effective as our members have the opportunity to tell their colleagues why they are leaving on strike.





**What’s the difference between striking and taking time off, or just failing to report to work?**



Striking is a legally protected activity which can only be done as a member of a union currently in dispute with an employer. Unlike paid leave, there is no limit to the length of time or number of times you can strike. If you are absent from work without using your paid leave or a strike notice being issued, you may be subject to disciplinary action by the company.


ストライキは法的に保護された活動であり、これは現在労使紛争中の労働組合の組合員としてのみ行うことができます。有給休暇とは異なり、ストライキの時間の長さや 回数に制限はありません。有給休暇を使用せず、またはストライキ通知が出されずに欠勤した場合、会社から懲戒処分を受ける可能性があります。


**What is the process for striking?**



We meet to discuss the details of the strike, and the Case Officer issues a strike order. Interac’s management are notified. It is Interac’s responsibility to communicate with the affected branches and inform our schools. Union members cannot communicate directly with Interac management or others outside the union about strikes in advance.




**Is striking expensive?**


Interac doesn’t pay you for the time you strike, but the union offers strike relief, which replaces 75% of our lost wages and is deposited into your bank account within two weeks of claiming relief.


インタラックは ストライキ時間分の賃金を支払いませんが、組合はストライ キ救済を提供しています。この救済金は、失った賃金の 75%を補填するもので、請求後2週間以内に銀行口座に振り込まれます。


**How much are union dues?**



We pay ¥2300 (including a ¥300 bank transfer fee) to the general treasury and ¥501 to the ALT Local treasury each month to keep the union running. Union dues pay our Case Officers’ wages, our lawyers’ fees and court costs, and help replace our wages and expenses when striking and protesting. Depending on how you pay, bank fees or transaction fees may also apply.


私たちは毎月、組合を維持するために一般会計に2300円(振込手数料300円を含む)、ALT 支部に501円を支払っています。組合費は担当者の賃金、弁護士費用、裁判費用に充てられ、またストライキや 抗議行動の際の救済金や 経費の支払いにも充てられます。支払い方法によっては、銀行手数料や取引手数料がかかる場合もあります。

Tozen is currently championing a significant lawsuit against the Japanese government, and members who can afford it have the option to contribute special Victory Dues of a further ¥1000. No-one is ever pressured to contribute more than they can afford, and members in financial hardship can apply for dues relief of up to 100%.




All members vote annually on the amounts we pay, and Tozen’s dues are often more affordable than other unions’. Our finance officers are elected annually from among the membership, and we can all access union financial records and vote on how our dues are spent.




**How often do you meet?**


We hold monthly meetings of the ALT Local, and usually one Collective Bargaining session with Interac each month. These meetings are held via Zoom and typically last between an hour and a half to two hours. If there is an emergency, we may schedule an Interac shop meeting, but these are infrequent.




Tozen members who live in the Kanto region attend hearings at the Tokyo Labor Commission on rotation.




**What happens if I can’t attend a meeting?**


Being a member of Tozen requires participation. The union is its membership; we act together, with and for each other. The more of us there are at meetings and negotiations, the more power we have. If you’re not there, we can’t act for you. With that being said it’s generally understood that it’s sometimes not possible to attend due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, simply contact your Case Officer or the Shop Steward.




**How do I join the union?**


Visit our Interac shop website []( and email our Case Officer for a free, confidential consultation.


インタラック分科会ウェブサイト []( をご覧いただき、担当者にメールでご相談ください(無料)。


**Is it easy to leave the union?**


Yes. You simply need to email your Case Officer and that’s it.




Watch the video version of the article: [](


Read the article on our website: [](

  1. Unions are a good idea, but this one is absolutely USELESS. Tozen has not sucessfully resolved any cases to show for being a member. Look carefully at this wording:

    >Tozen added this offense to its lawsuit against Interac which is currently ongoing at the Tokyo Labor Commission. Tozen is fighting for this member’s reinstatement along with full back pay

    This case is CURRENTLY ONGOING- it has not been resolved, so you can’t qualify it as a success. And the member also has NOT been reinstated yet, from the way this is phrased.

    I won’t say whether one should join or not. I’ll just say that this union fights, but has yet to get a win in recent times. Think about that.

  2. Just leave Interac and don’t waste your time on a dead end job for a company that’s blacker than black.

  3. honestly I just don’t see the point. it’s not as if you’ll get paid more as a union member. it seems like more hassle than it’s worth

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