There is a camera in my AirBnb in Tokyo. Is this normal or allowed?

There is a camera at my AirBnb in Tokyo. It is a small studio apartment type deal and it is technically in the bedroom (although the bedroom is also the living space), however it is facing the “entranceway” (where the main door is) so I am not sure if this is allowed?

Airbnb prohibits the use of cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms but it is okay for the living space, however it is still technically the bedroom and the camera faces a big mirror, which I have definitely been fully nude in front of before I noticed the camera! They also did not disclose this camera anywhere on the listing or throughout booking.

This makes me very uncomfortable and I am wondering if I’m being over dramatic? My last Tokyo Airbnb didn’t have any cameras.

EDIT: Thanks everyone. I contacted the Airbnb host, who told me it was “a stereo for playing sounds”It is not! It said solid camera on the back and I even found the model on the solid camera website, which told me it records both video and audio and has a wide lens that sees 130 degrees! So I contacted Airbnb with all my screenshots and photos. They will fully reimburse me for the trip and will pay for another Airbnb or a hotel for us, so we found a new Airbnb and are at the new one now. We have checked and there are no cameras at this new one haha. It is also in a better location so a win overall. Thanks everyone for validating my concerns and the advise.

  1. If the camera is pointing at the door i guess its ok? Maybe send pics to air bnb or something

  2. Cameras need to be disclosed in the property description according to Airbnb T&C.
    Ask for a refund if they weren’t.

  3. As far as I’m aware, they are supposed to disclose it. Unsure if the camera itself – where it’s facing – is allowed or not but my understanding was that if there was a camera, they needed to say that in the listing. Are you positive it’s not listed there anywhere? Might be worth asking in r/AirBnB vs this sub.

  4. If it can see the mirror it is pointed in to the bedroom. And probably very intentional.

    Contact AirBnB and contact the police to see what they have to say about it.

  5. It isn’t allowed to put a cctv in front of anything that can be seen a person nude or something similar. You can even report that directly to the police.

  6. >I am wondering if I’m being over dramatic

    No. Anything that would expose your reasonable expectation of privacy is something to be alarmed about.

  7. That’s creepy that they tried to deny it and say it was a stereo! Where was this apartment? I’ve rented an AirBnB in Tokyo and the host is a superhost with great reviews…did your host have good reviews? Speaking of, maybe leave them a bad one? That behavior should result in them being banned from hosting on the platform. So creepy.

  8. good job contacting airbnb and knowing that it was invasive ! that is wierd and even creepier he said it was a stereo and lied ! glad airbnb was on top of it immediately and got u hooked up.

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