Young doctor commits suicide after working 100 consecutive shifts and over 200 hours of overtime per month

JP source:

  1. Prediction: time for a round of bowing, protestations that “we will reflect on this”, and absolutely nothing changing.

  2. Back in 2012 I did research on medicine in Japan and one of the papers I read concluded that Japan’s doctors will face a crisis as there are fewer people becoming doctors. Younger doctors will have to work more shifts and longer hours because there are fewer of them, and hospitals look to hire younger doctors because they have to pay the same salaries regardless of experience.

    Reading about this is very chilling indeed.

  3. Why can’t they just leave after certain hours of the day? If they are in need, they can be picked up by the next hospital?

  4. Lil bro needed to take a break to the Philippines or Thailand to have a good time with some lady friends…what a shame

  5. The laws relating to labor hours cap aren’t working well in Japan. Japanese governments have been spoiling the employers and businesses owners due to get kickbacks from them. Plus the mainstream media don’t criticize that. The various problems have been led by the wrong policies; Unification Church, Jonny Kitagawa’s, TEPCO’s contaminated water discharge, too long working time, large numbers of suicidal cases, working poor, etc. However, the people ALWAYS give the legitimacy to the LDP. They are LIKE SHEEP going to the edge of the cliff.

  6. I swear 99% of Japan’s workplace problems will go away once “lifetime employment” goes away

    Without competition, working conditions will never improve

  7. This is going to be a problem globally and really worsen over the next 2-4 years. So many of us burnt out hard from the pandemic, the demand for health care workers is high while the supply is low and the pay isn’t worth the working conditions in most settings.

  8. that and the added fact that healthcare as a business isn’t beneficial or healthy for public citizens and only benefits the business owners, shareholders, and few partners (ex big donors) . Research medical/health empires same with any industry especially banking 😶‍🌫️

    doctors are humans too, anyone overworked in any field would want to quit, it’s common sense

    Also, if the country actually cared about their people and needs more doctors, they would obviously have funded programs to help people become better doctors and more people to be interested in programs right when they complain. There’s none of doctors. They’re just gaslighting themselves because they don’t even support their own system that they’ve created. And what I mean by day is the people that are in power. Obviously the ones that have all the money and if they’re not going to do anything about it then it’s their fault. It’s not the people’s fault. It’s not the citizens fault. Regular people are just boring this world and told what to do and what to listen and how to act when you have leaders that are failures and mislead you. They’re not really leaders, they’re just liars

  9. The culture of 我慢 no doubt plays a role here, but at the end of the day, when the mental health of a health professional is damaged beyond repair, the industry had better take notice. 200 hours of overtime a month?? That’s 200 opportunities to fix the problem.

    I hope employers (/ parents) will read this story and think about how hard they want to push their employees (/ children).

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