Bathtub cleaning question/help

Hello. Does anyone else have a bathtub in the shower room like this? Images here:



I never bathe in it, I only shower in the part next to the bathtub, but it gets dirty down there regardless. The hatch can be opened to try and reach/clean underneath the bathtub, and I’ve been doing this every 2 weeks with a sponge on a stick.


The apartment didn’t come with a guide on how to best clean, so does someone have advice how to best clean this?

The way I’m doing it is quite hard and bothersome. Does everyone clean it as often or more often that every 2 weeks? Is there any product or trick that could make cleaning this easier? The space is tight too, am I supposed to raise the bathtub from the ground to have more space to clean underneath? The sponge on stick barely can pass under.


Any advice is much appreciated.

  1. Find longer adjustable flat brush stick on daiso or any 100 yen shop, or just search it on amazon.

    My bathub clean routine is once a week with cheap “バスマジッククリン” or “ハイタ“ and a deep clean one twice a month to prevent mold from growing with any products.

    Hope this would help 🙂

  2. You might be able to lift the tub up if it’s not screwed into the wall at all. That’s how my tub is. Once in a few months I scrub down there real good and get everything clean. I could practically take the tub out of the bathroom if I wanted

  3. I went an embarrassingly long time without cleaning my bathtub because I never use it. With Scrubbing Bubbles and one of those long stick sponge cleaners, the dirt came off easily and it was over and done with in like 15 min

  4. What do you do if you have a similar panel covering it that cannot be opened? I tried lifting the bathtub but it’s definitely too heavy for me.

  5. Seal up the drain, fill the area under the tub with water and oxiclean, let it soak, then drain/rinse.

  6. We use both the shower and tub. Of course we clean the tub, but we very rarely take the side panel off to clean *under* it. Maybe once or twice a year at most.

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