General Discussion Thread – 02 August 2022

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. I’m tired and ready for the summer holidays to begin..

    I have 4 1k word essays about the Japanese economy due tomorrow and 2 more tests on Thursday and Friday and I’m just. Sick of it. I’m ready to be done with it but I’m just so, so tired.

    The Japanese economy makes no sense, either.

  2. Heard how great Teamlab in Tokyo was and went to the Osaka Teamlab Botanical Garden over the weekend and man…

    I didn’t expect the line to be so long. You pre-purchase tickets beforehand but I showed up and had to wait a good 30-40 minutes to get in. That’s kinda on me though so it’s fine. was pretty not great. I’m not really sure who the target audience is or what they were trying to accomplish. It was dark so you don’t really get to see the beauty of the garden and walk. It was dark so the people who just came to take instagram pictures weren’t having a good time. There wasn’t much to actually see or do so the people who came just to have a walk didn’t seem to have much of a good time either.

    I don’t regret it per se but I also wouldn’t put it close to a recommendation. Only if you have time and you also happen to be in the area. Also ofc it’s near lots of plants in summer time and at night, so make sure to bring your bug repellent!

  3. Just sharing some random awesome things that I tried / went to recently:

    – The Immersive museum at Nihonbashi on Impressionism was quite fun! I went on a weekday and it was still rather packed, so definitely get your tickets online first. I really enjoyed the exhibition.

    – Discovered that there are Katsudons where they don’t mix the egg with the cutlet. I don’t usually eat Katsudons because I don’t like my cutlets soggy but I tried the “とじない” (unmixed?) version and it was soooo good!

  4. I want to fly home (US), but the number one thing stopping me is, what if I test positive in the US and can’t board the plane to fly back? (Most likely ANA/United.)

    Do I just… Lose my ticket?

    Can I rebook due to COVID?

    It’s just such a gamble. Like, I can’t afford to buy the same ticket twice. And then what happens if I continue to test positive?

    Anyone have experience with this?

  5. I know Japanese people sometimes like to compliment foreigners by saying they’re like a Japanese person, have a “Japanese spirit”, etc. Certainly this has happened to me many times, and I think it’s an experience shared by most Western foreigners who have lived in Japan for more than a few months.

    But I also don’t really get it. Like, what exactly does having a “Japanese spirit” mean to these people…? I can’t escape the feeling that this is a very backhanded compliment, along the same lines as nihongo jouzu.

  6. I really dislike Tokyo in the summer. Back in NJ in the US, Summer used to be one of my favorite seasons, but it’s just too hot here and no beaches.

  7. Is it just my boss or majority of Japanese bosses are micromanagers? Have to put in detailed explanations about every hour spent on software development, testing, and documentation.

    If it’s unique to this workplace then I need to update my LinkedIn.

  8. I’m putting some serious thought into visiting Poland this coming October. Our family was originally set on going to Canada but the flight prices and associated costs kind of pushed it out of our price range for the time being. As it so happens my parents and brother will be visiting family in Poland so it might be an opportune time for us to introduce our daughter to them, as well as my grandmother.

    I haven’t been there since 2010 and at that time I wasn’t the one driving, nor did I have to get any hotels or anything. This time though I’m married, and with a child so it’d be a whole different story.

    Not going to lie, with a war next door, a huge influx of refuges, and the potential for gas shortages around that time it’s leaving me with a bit of doubt if it’s the best idea to go though at the same time my grandmother is getting pretty old so this may be one of the last opportunities.

  9. Went to my doctor last night. They wouldn’t let me into the office and did the exam standing outside. 80% of the people they tested in the last 24h were covid positive. 40 degree fever, severe sore throat, swollen lymph nodes. Doc asked me to call the city and see when my 4th shot coupon would show up and to schedule a visit as soon as I get it.

    He was looking rough, like he’d been up all night, white t-shirt and scrubs instead of his usual sort of business casual outfit, his staff were literally wiping every surface down inside while I was standing outside watching.

  10. I bought the half/half Blendy and it contains half the amount of powder than the other type I usually buy. Unusual truth in advertising, same price. I’m super impressed by this.

  11. Can any Tokyo natives recommend a nice moderately priced restaurant near Hibiya station for dinner? I have to travel there on business this Friday, and depending on how my appointment goes I’ll either be looking to celebrate/console myself with a good meal. Bonus points for something non-Japanese. Thank you in advance!

  12. Sick of government for the term 働きながら技術を学んでいる。
    There’s no such thing.
    In my opinion this is just an excuse for companies to pay workers minimum wage.

  13. Got around to making quesadillas. I had gone to two stores trying to find tortillas, but it turns out that for some reason they’re sold in the *cold* section (with the cheese). I did not find any black turtle beans, had to substitute with red kidney beans.

    Getting my calorie daily intake back on track and I’m comfortably getting a deficit now. Starting to feel a little more confident about myself

  14. Which one would you guys recommend, for a broke student? Air mattress or just straight up futon? Or air mattress and futon stacked??

  15. Best cheap hotel to use during obon in tokyo? 5-7k yen per day would be my budget.

  16. Visiting Osaka and found a decently priced hotel in Shin Imamiya. Immediately saw some homeless folk once leaving the station and husband started getting anxious. I mean, I’m from a big city back in the states and most of the time people are harmless but my husband’s kinda freaking out. Should we be overly cautious?

  17. Took some advice I got in a recent complaint thread (I was bitching about the cost of flights as I’d hoped to travel a bit in September) and have instead booked a long weekend trip to northern Tohoku c/o the JR East pass.

    Any recommendations for Morioka, Akita, Hirosaki or Aomori? Will be stopping by the festivals at all of them.

  18. Hi guys, unfortunately I need to go to Tokyo in a few weeks for unavoidable embassy stuff. It’ll be after obon, at least. I know COVID is getting out of control, so yeah, me & my SO are only staying our obligatory one night. We’d like to make the best of it though. Anyone got any recommendations for a romantic/fun place to eat dinner?

  19. So two times now I’ve found abandoned pairs of leather shoes near the Ikebukuro Station entrance by the Donki. Is that a thing? Is that a popular place to abandon your shoes or something? Who the hell abandons their shoes anyways?

  20. Can’t wait til I’m an old guy and I can practice my golf swing anywhere. Literally anywhere. I saw an old guy practicing his swing while he was crossing the street.

    And before anyone asks – yes, you need to be an old guy to practice your swing. It just doesn’t work the same unless you’re pushing 60 or 70.

  21. I just realized that the manager put me in 9am-5pm shifts 2 days in a row coming Saturday and Sunday. I’m a dishwasher and this is a high volume steak restaurant.

    Pray for me I’ll need it…

  22. What is a good indication of a gaijin-friendly company? Or do they just have to be gaishikei to truly not treat you like the trophy english speaker that they can exploit?

  23. Going abroad with my husband for 10 days. Cat is staying behind and being checked in on by a cat sitter for 1-2 hours a day.

    What temperature should we leave the AC on for the cat? I say 24C on low fan/circulation (constant), my husband says 27C on medium fan/circulation (auto/eco mode).

    What do you think is the best or any other temp/setting suggestions? We have a Daikin.

  24. I was taught the proper way to wax a car yesterday by an elderly Japanese person. I mean, I already knew how to wax a car, but they thought they’d confirm the proper method.

    They literally said “wax on, wax off”. I had a nice private laugh to myself.

  25. Back in the UK for a few weeks at the moment. It’s quite a surprise how dodgy my social skills have got over the last few years. We had a big family gathering and it was a struggle, really draining. Also, people keep misunderstanding me or not hearing me.

    Need to get out a bit more when I get back to Japan.

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