What’s the best Japanese language school where I can have them transfer credits to my university?

Kinda like how if you finish the regular program in Yonsei Korean Language Institute, you can gain six credits to your university. What’s the best one for Japanese school?

  1. I don’t have an answer, but a large part of this answer might depend on your university. A lot of universities will or won’t accept transfer credits for pretty silly/arbitrary reasons, so make sure to ask them first too.

  2. Don’t know about point transfer, but I’m learning well and fast with kumon.

  3. KCP for non university. Most unis offer some study abroad or you can look into seperate university programs to do a short term Japanese language study at over winter or summer break. Some that have very good international reach and would probably have a good program for you would be Waseda, Keio, Kyoto, Kansai, Kyushu.

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