Sometimes you just want to eat western food in Japan.

Sometimes you just want to eat western food in Japan.

  1. This is the “Lucky Plate” from a small shop in the food court of Ario Kurashiki shopping mall. 100 yen extra for a soda or a sundae so I chose ice cream. I thought this wouldn’t be that much food but I struggled to eat it all. It was pretty good though, I think everything was 950 yen with the add on.

  2. Blended or adapted cuisines can be awesome like Tex-Mex, American Chinese, etc… Yoshoku definitely falls into this genre! I love Napolitan, parfait, tonkatsu, curry rice, omurice, sando, etc…

  3. Ah yes, the classic dinner of spaghetti and hot dogs. I can just imagine the discussion now.
    “Is this western enough? What about the side?”
    “IDK add more bread”
    “ok toast, got it”

  4. I sorry if this seems rude but isn’t this kinda stupid, like your in a country with a completely different culture with tons of different foods and qusines right, so why wouldn’t you want to eat the different and new foods (if op is from Japan this comment means literally nothing I’m referring to someone from another country)

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