Like why would someone even bother just stealing a bike tire?
I woke up this morning with my bike tire stolen. Not my bike just the tire.
This happened at my apartment complex bicycle parking.
I was gonna during the weekend because I was traveling.
My bike is normal not nice. It is a mamacheri.
Why would they want my mama Cheri tire rather than my neighbors nice bike ?
I don’t understand.
Im going to report it to the police today. Besides that what do I do?
The rental company has cctv cameras. Besides asking them to check those what can I do?
I have had my bike tires slashed 3 times before as well.
Sorry to hear that happened. I can’t give advice on what you should do, besides buy a new one, but for the future I would suggest using a lock cable lock and having it go through any wheel with a quick release. The correct way to lock a bike is through both tires and the center of the frame, but it’s not always possible depending on the length of the lock.
I don’t think you’ll ever get your tire back but you should report it to the police and report the incident to your 管理会社. Same thing happened around my neighborhood and the police “tried” to look for the tire. They even stopped me to check but they were more interested in my immigration status and my zairyu card than my bicycle.
Edit: You mentioned somebody slashed your tires 3 times. You might’ve made enemies without knowing it and they’re targeting you. You definitely should go to the police.
The answer is simple. Report it to the police and buy a new tire and get on with your life. Option two: learn to ride with one wheel and get stared at
>tire slashed 3 times
yeah uhh you are being targeted.
Having bike tire slashed 3 times, then stolen, is definitely not normal.
Probably you’ve unconsciously made an enemy, but we can only speculate why. Downstairs neighbor if you’re noisy, ex boyfriend of girl you date (or variants), someone who thinks they deserve that bike spot, maybe even someone from work (but less likely). Could also be someone mistakenly targeting your bike thinking it’s actually someone else’s.
Your best bet is to hide a camera in nearby bushes as you are almost guaranteed to have it happen again.
Was your *tire* stolen? Or the wheel? Front? Back?
> I have had my bike tires slashed 3 times before as well.
Sounds like someone doesn’t like you. Push the management company to put up cameras.
>Why would they want my mama Cheri tire rather than my neighbors nice bike ?
You have answered your question – someone in your apartment complex does not like you particularly:
>I have had my bike tires slashed 3 times before as well.
Talk to the police.
i just removed the front tire of my bike to check it inside the house..when i saw your post, i went outside to really check if its my bike or not
It likely someone who just needed the same tire as your bike and didn’t want to buy one (rather than someone stealing it for its market value).
Report it to the police, buy a new tire and put it behind you.
Definitely a local enemy.
Just the tire? Not the whole Wheel?
Plain and simple – someone’s being a dick. It’s possible that they might not like you because of something you’ve done in the past, or it could just be because they’re racist and knows which bike belongs to you.
Ah the classic passive aggressive Japanese way of dealing with conflicts.
To steal the tire they would have to first remove the wheel. Sounds like a lot of work just for a regular mamachari tire.
Sounds more like someone doesn’t like you and instead of just slashing your tires, this time they cut the whole thing off.
I’ve had my bicycle seat stolen, by helmet stolen, and my bike stolen twice. All in different areas.