Made a mistake during visa application, how screwed am I?

I’m an exchange student and went to the office to extend my visa for another semester last week (current one expires at the end of september). The university already did pretty much all the work for me, I just had to show up, and fill out a small paper with my name and adress. I didn’t know my postal code from memory so I looked it up on google maps.

I live in an apartment of a big housing company but for some reason it does not exist on google maps. So I just looked at the postal code of the marker where I had previously marked the exact spot of my house (for commuting) and wrote it in. It’s literally the exact spot. It hindsight this was maybe dumb but I felt under pressure to not make them wait too much. A few days later when I was looking at the website of my housing company for another reason I noticed the last digit of my 7 digit postal code was different.

So I screwed that up and now I’m anxious I will not receive my documents. I wonder if they will notice the mistake because the apartment name is also right there so it shouldn’t be hard to find. I wonder if I should tell my university, if that makes any sense. In my mind that would be so embarrassing considering they already helped me so much.

Basically I already have anxiety issues to begin with and it’s my first time to be dealing with these things. So I’m wondering how bad this situation really is, or if it is not a big deal, or what I should do, if I can do anything.

  1. Tell your uni? Tell immigration. Problem solved. You just made a mistake; no crime was committed.

  2. Just to reassure you, even if you wrote the postal number wrong, as long as you wrote the address correctly it will be delivered to your correct house.

    The way it works, the postal number is used for sorting with machine in the post office. So when it is wrong it will first get delivered to the corresponding postal code main office. But somewhere in the chain, someone will eventually notice it is wrong (no such addres here) and will forward it to the correct main office. From then it will get delivered normally. You might get it later but you’ll still get it.

    So relax bro. Yeah you could just call immigration to fix it, but you will be okay either way.

  3. Call immigration and tell them.

    It’s no big deal.

    Calm down.

    Take a deep breath and close your eyes for a bit.

  4. i’ve received mail with all kinds of crazy mistakes, but you can still call immigration to fix it, it’s not the kind of scary thing you’re worried about. they just don’t want people screwing around with the info that could pass or fail your application, as that opens the door for gaming the system. one digit on your post code won’t make or break your qualification.

  5. Address mistake? The worst result would be they tell your uni and you have to apply it again, that’s it, unless you’re a series killer or something. Lucky one would be they get everything done and contact you ask you your detailed address info and you answer them, they fix it, everything fine, you wouldn’t have to go to the immigration bureau yourself

  6. If no one else has mentioned it yet, put all of your own contact details into your phone’s contacts. There’ll already be a contact card in there with at least your phone number on it.

    We’ve all done it.

  7. I know immigration is scary but this is a simple mistake.

    People make mistakes all the time when doing immigration stuff.

    Ask you school to help you. Just call. You’ll be fine. I guarantee it

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