Can you work full time in Japan with ADHD?

I have ADHD and info I get from some Japanese people with the same condition is very vague when it comes to working conditions.

I know one person who can only work part time as a result of their ADHD, and I know another who:

– works remotely
– works from 9.30am – 3pm
– has Friday off
– Does freelance work too

TL;DR is it possible to work remotely with ADHD in Japan? Especially in the games industry?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Can you work full time in Japan with ADHD?**

    I have ADHD and info I get from some Japanese people with the same condition is very vague when it comes to working conditions.

    I know one person who can only work part time as a result of their ADHD, and I know another who:

    – works remotely
    – works from 9.30am – 3pm
    – has Friday off
    – Does freelance work too

    TL;DR is it possible to work remotely with ADHD in Japan? Especially in the games industry?

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  2. Sadly, no, it’s the firing squad as soon as you land with ADHD. **SARCASM MODE OFF**

    Seriously, all circumstances are possible in Japan, there are people who work anywhere from 1 to 168 hours per week with every variation inbetween, though IME, the norm is something like 8-5/9-5/9-6 x M-F or M-S (there’s some M-Th stuff happening.)

    I worked for a certain Kyoto-based game company and they did allow me to work there despite having ADHD. I don’t think they gave one iota of fucks about my ADHD one way or another. My current employer is similar, though I work about 90% remote (I go in for big meetings and when I need to do something at the lab.)

    Though probably the real answer is that you cannot expect any sort of accommodation of work to your condition. There are companies where that could happen though, it’s just going to be rare. That said, some of the most progressive companies in Japan are the mobile game companies.

  3. If you are capable of working full time where you are now, then yes.

    For that type of work, you’re probably going to need a pretty comprehensive portfolio and industry track record; especially if you’re hoping to WFH.

    Bear in mind that your employer may not be fully understanding of any mental problems you may have.

    Someone will probably mention it, but bear in mind that if you do have mental problems, moving here may exacerbate them.

  4. Yes, it is possible to work in Japan remotely in general. Probable – no.

    Is it possible to find a job that is willing to sponsor your work visa and allow you to work from home due to a pre-existing medical condition – likely not.

  5. If you can work remotely in your own country, it’s also possible to work remotely in Japan. The situation and circumstances aren’t that different. However, a high level of Japanese skill is required. Famous video game companies usually require N1 level Japanese proficiency, and they often request proof in the form of JLPT certification.

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