
Hey everyone!

I’m looking into getting my license converted.

I was wondering if anyone can help with understanding the forms needed.

The police office only lists in Japanese.






I was hoping someone here could clear up the meanings. I know it’s asking for the Juminhyo but is it asking for another document too?

Lists Zairyu Card as separate point later so I know it’s not that.

Thanks for any help!!

  1. Hi there, hopefully I can help out a little bit.

    > 住民基本台帳法に基づく住民票(外国の方含む)

    So yes, you’ll need a juminhyo. The clarification should be

    > 外国人は国籍が記載されている住民票

    so basically you need the juminhyo to have your nationality printed on it (which I think is already a thing..?) So make sure it says that you’re from where you’re from.

    The next thing is
    > ※住民基本台帳法の適用を受けない方は、旅券及び住所を証明できる書類等

    So if you can’t get the juminhyo, bring something that can confirm your nationality and address. So that would be a passport, zairyu card, etc.

  2. the juminhyo is a resident certificate that you can get from your city hall. when i converted my license, they told me it was only valid for a year so if it takes longer to convert your license, you’ll have to get another juminhyo.

  3. Deepl will help you out. What the previous user below said is correct, but this is pretty clear if you use Deepl at any rate.

  4. Anyone know if this applies to other countries, for example, China. And how long does it take to process? Is each prefecture’s license bureau somewhat different? We’ll be in Gifu, although very close to Nagoya

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