Please suggest a good bank to open an account that I can link to my paypal account

I don’t know much about banks here. I heard you don’t get interest from savings. Is it true? Anyway, I want to open a bank account to connect to paypal account. A savings account and I hope to have a debit card as well. Plus my Japanese is very basic, But I’ve been living here for 6 months now. (I can ask my partner to help in Japanese ). Please suggest me a good bank with nice benefits (if there are any).

P.S. I’m on dependent visa. I created a paypal account here but need to verify using bank account. I can transfer from previous paypal, so it’s fine.

Thank you!

  1. PayPal isn’t very common here. Also your PayPal account needs to be “in Japan” if you want to link it to a local bank, and I’m assuming you already have a PayPal account from your home country that you want to use.

    The best you can do is add a Japanese credit card as a payment option for your foreign PayPal account if you want to pay in yen.

  2. rakuten bank, which favor foreign currency also has 100 times higher interest rate than traditional bank, at .. 0.1%. Go for rakuten bank.

    Or you can go for Paypay bank for having large coverage on paypay transaction (not your paypal, i barely see them outside tokyo tourist bar)

  3. I have PayPal linked to a Mitsubishi UFG Bank (三菱UFJ銀行), but I opened the PayPal account in Japan. It’s linked to my credit card from the same bank.

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