Reason for applying for PR

I’m currently working on my papers to apply for permanent residency and I couldn’t think of a solid reason to write other than because i want to be fully independent from my guarantor and have a stable life here in japan with my family that live here. Can anyone please help me with ideas on what’s the best to write 🙏🏽

Just want to say a little background about my situation here. I have a long term resident visa and my mom + my sisters who are half japanese lives here. Been living here in japan for 6 years now

  1. It kind of seems like you answered the question already. Just say you want to build a life with your family here, and that should be good enough.

    I wrote something to the effect of “I want to start a family with my wife here, and continue working in Japan”. I applied for my PR as soon as I as eligible, and that answer seemed to be good enough (mind you, that was pre-Covid, so it’s possible it’s changed)

    I hope that helps

  2. There’s 4 categories of applicants for PR.

    1. People who applied via a spouse route didn’t have to write this so ignore them loling about writing “live with my wife”.
    2. There’s a category for the specific visa long-term resident
    3. people who worked 10+ years and have a 3+ visa
    4. people who can apply via points (70 points 3 years ago / now OR 80 1 year ago /now).


    Only 3 and 4 have to write this.

    You should address the criteria for granting PR here ([](

    >(1) The person is of good conduct.
    The person observes Japanese laws and his/her daily living as a resident does not invite any social criticism.
    (2) The person has sufficient assets or ability to make an independent living.
    The person does not financially depend on someone in the society in his daily life, and his/her assets or ability, etc. are assumed to continue to provide him/her with a stable base of livelihood into the future.
    (3) The person’s permanent residence is regarded to be in accord with the interests of Japan.


    so write about how you’ve obeyed the law, demonstrate you’re not a broke-ass bitch, demonstrate you have friends and connections in the community, show Japan you’re not going to be a net burden.

  3. I looked up my reason several years ago and iirc it was basically 1 sentence saying –

    I want to continue living with my family in Japan permanently and buy a house.

  4. Mine was like five sentences long essentially: Been here so-and-so many years. Enjoy my life. Married to a national. I want to continue working and living in Japan with my spouse. Want to join supplemental insurance that requires PR.

    I typed it up and printed on a separate piece of paper.

    Don’t worry, no one expects your autobiography or thesis.

  5. I applied in October and got approved in April. Married to a non-national, we have both lived here ~15 years.

    My PR letter:

    1. Why I like Japan

    2. A description of my steady and reputable job

    3. Here are the significant ways that I feel I have positively contributed to Japanese society

    4. A description of my stable and happy relationship with my non-local wife, who also loves Japan, and the ways in which we appreciate Japan together

    5. In closing, please give me PR so I can continue adding to the activities mentioned in No. 3 and 4.

  6. Pretty much one sentence on the application paper (not on a separate one): Want PR so that I can buy a house.

    In English.

    Edit: used the 10-years and over way.

  7. One sentence “ To continue to live and work in Japan”
    I was told the more you write the more reasons you are giving them to deny you.

  8. I had my scrivener whipping up a glittering 理由書 with touching phrases and perfect keigo and I just needed to sign my name on the paper. Absolutely no trouble.

  9. So do you guys think i should provide more reasons why i want the PR since I haven’t been living here for 10yrs?

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