Advice needed for Kyoto!

Hello, I’m in the midst of planning my 14-day trip to Japan in November, and I need advice on the feasibility of the following itinerary on 9-Nov (Thu) at Kyoto. Not sure if I am planning too much for the day.

8am Breakfast at Starbucks Nineizaka

9am Kimono rental at Gion-Shijo KH station

10am Yasaka shrine, Kodaiji temple, Kiyomizudera (and basically walking around Nineizaka and Sanneizaka)

1pm lunch at Nishiki Market (hopefully Sushi Shin – but they do not seem to take reservation for lunch)

3pm Fushimi Inari via KH Main line

Is the above itinerary too packed? We could actually return the Kimono at Fushimi Inari or back at Gion. Appreciate any advice!

Edit: Thanks all for the advice and suggestions!

  1. This this temple is very busy because it is directly across from the subway line. Fushimi inari is amazing, and it is 100% worth the visit. I would decide if you’re going to make the climb to the top. If you are going to make the climb, I would suggest going earlier in the day to do this. If you can return the Kimono there, that would be smarter so you can go directly to the temple after and save some time.

  2. Itinerary is a bit packed, however doable. Be warned though, Fushimi Inari will be VERY busy in the afternoon. If you don’t do well in very thick crowds, you should go as early in the morning as possible.

  3. I’m heading there in Oct, and my plan is to go to Fushimi at 6-7am. So yeah 3PM seems a little late.

  4. It LOOKS doable but I doubt it is fully because

    – november is hell of busy, and will be very much so this year (with the return of the chinese being their first fall season in 4 ? years)
    – you are probably over optimistic how fast you can walk in a kimono
    – rent kimono, yasaka, kodaiji,kiyomizudera in 3 hours I think requires you to rush
    – at 1pm nishiki will be the busiest, which is fine. but not fast. (and dont go there in a kimono!)

    for someone who was there before and or someone not slowed down by their dress its not undoable, but i feel you will not quite make it happen like this.

    bbuuuuut actually, its fine. because, even if you get to nishiki at 3 and to fushimi at 5pm – it still works. so. just see how it goes and do the day as you want!

  5. Hope you like the crowds!! Its gonna be so jammed packed everywhere you prob won’t be able to walk on the sidewalk or sit in a coffee shop

  6. Nothing is wrong with that since you want to stroll in a kimono. But if you are staying in Kyoto, you can skip nishiki because you definitely don’t need to wear a kimono to nishiki.

  7. Was just in Kyoto last week (off peak) and it was SLAMMED!!! For fall foliage i cant even imagine. Best of luck!!

  8. Curious why you want to have breakfast at a Starbucks when you can opt for Japanese cuisine? A drink if it’s a special location, yes, but breakfast? I’d rather grab an onigiri or 2 at a konbini. Or does this specific location have a super special meal set or something?

  9. It feels a bit packed imo and you would find yourself rushing later. Fushimi Inari is a long walk but I also went there in the mid afternoon.

    However if you’re renting the kimono all day I would suggest not going to Nishiki Market. It is a tourist trap but I still enjoyed walking down it, I wouldn’t try to rush it. Also consider the time to get in and out of it + the restriction of walking. I can’t remember fully remember but I was just not used to the feeling

    Sushi Shin is great! Granted I went in 2018 but I also did lunch there and you just wait outside in the line. It’s small but a good amount of seats so hopefully it’s not a terrible wait now

  10. Returning to Nishiki is a bit of a waste of time, it would make more sense to go to Fushimi Inari directly from Kiyomizudera/Ninenzaka district and eat somewhere near the shrine entrance.

    Full Fushimi Inari hike could easily take 3+ hours.

  11. Skip Starbucks and have coffee/breakfast at a local joint. It is a very cool looking Starbucks, but there are so many local spots in similarly old style buildings for you to be able to enjoy that atmosphere and better food/drink. Will almost certainly be less busy as well.

  12. Go to Fushimi Inari at the crack of dawn. Unless you want to swim in an ocean of humans taking selfies, and groups of tourists all blocking the walkway as they peek behind the torii for selfies.

    100% I do not advise climbing Fushimi Inari with a kimono.

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