Itinerary Check, 14 days, March 1 – 14, Tokyo – Okinawa – Kyoto – Osaka

Hello, I’m a solo female traveler and after a very nasty fall last year I come with a bad right leg. This will be my first trip to Japan, though on a budget I still want to get the most out it with a little bit of everything and a taste of the unusual thrown in here and there. Recommendations welcomed.

My Flight and accommodation are already booked so that sets the dates. March 1st – March 14th.

My Route is **Tokyo => Okinawa => Kyoto => Osaka =>** Home (one way trip)

Anything in **bold** is the main attraction for that day while the rest is flexible.


###March 1st

Land at Haneda Airport at 3pm.

Forward luggage to accommodation in Tokyo, hop on the bus to Yokohama park.

**Gundam Factory show**

Visit the park and get on a few rides if not too crowded.

If crowded explore Chinatown and then red brick warehouse for dinner. (Happy Pancake or Bill for a fluffy pancake)

Catch the train to Tokyo no later than 10pm as it’s an hour travel.

Check in to my accommodation.


###March 2nd

I tend to get Jet lag the next day so it’s a slow day today just in case.

Stop by Setagaya early to have breakfast at Shira Hige’s Cream Puff factory.

**Harajuka / Takeshita**

Paco Cyber. Shopping for Disney center, Pokémon center and Nintendo

Visit the shrine since its Sat so might see a traditional wedding.

The Crossing / Hachiko statue / Yoyogi park


###March 3rd

Just spending the day here shopping. Amiami, Mandarake and suruga-ya being the main interests. might jump over to Ikebukuro for Otome road for dinner. It’s Sunday today.


###March 4th

Day trip, originally I was interested in Takao Mt but apparently it’s recommended for fall only.

Might go to Kawagoe instead. Open to suggestions (not Nikki, something easy on my leg).


###March 5th
(Asakusa & Ueno)

Slow day after the day trip. Explore the park and open markets here

Kimono / Yukota rental maybe.

**street food and Senso-ji temple**

If reservations are possible teamlab and Kirby café


###March 6th

Day trip to Hakone.


###March 7th

Free day to relax and explore. Visit the Unko museum!


###March 8th

Forward luggage to Kyoto

Forward myself to Haneda airport and off to Okinawa, plane lands at Naha airport at 12 (noon)

EDIT:- *I’m in Okinawa for 24 hours HOWEVER the round plane tickets cost barely more than a one way bullet train ticket to Kyoto so it’s more of a fun day trip.*

Check in to accommodation

The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium and either the WWII museum or the beach depending on the weather.

**The fish market at Naha for dinner**


###March 9th

Check out, Breakfast and explore Naha for a few hours.

Airport for the plane

Plane lands at Osaka at 2pm, grab the train to Kyoto station and check-in to accommodation. Hopefully my bag is here.

Find a place for late lunch or early dinner then the ~~**Golden Pavilion**.~~ possibly just chill and explore.


###March 10th

**Fushimi Inari Shrine early morning**

**Starbucks Nineizaka**

Explore Kyoto (maybe e-cycling?) Just relaxing after the shrine visit.


###March 11th

Day trip to Universal & **Nintendo world** with express pass.


###March 12th

Osaka Castle & park early morning.

**Dotonbori & Namba rest of the day**


###March 13th

Explore Osaka, Free day so recommendations for Osaka specifically are welcomed.

Teamlab if missed it in Tokyo.


###March 14th

All luggage is forwarded Check out of accommodation.

**Day trip to Nara for the deer and shrine.**

Head to Osaka for an early dinner.

A weird capsule hotel for the novelty and to rest before flight.

Airport to catch my flight at 11:30 pm

  1. i wanted to question the okinawa detour but with the plane tickets costing about as much as a shinkansen. go for it!

    (that being said, it is a lot of hours waiting in the airport, then flying… the train is 2.25h and you are there… but okinawa, thats certainly something worthwhile to see)

    I find with the excitement of japan, the jetlag hits after 2-3 days, not 1 day. if that may be the case for you too, maybe you can decide if you switch days 2/3 as you see fit on location…

    when you land in osaka at 2pm (kix or itm?) you might get out quick (no luggage or immigration) but still, it takes about an hour to get to kyoto from itami, more like 1.5hrs from kix. I dont think you will be at kyoto station before 3.30pm, more like 4pm. even if your hotel is right next to the station I doubt you can make kinkakuji (golden pavillion) if you will be checking in first. so you might consider/need to head to kinakuji from the airport and then go to the hotel.

    slow day after the day trip. not sure you need that when the day trip was plane and train rides?
    fushimi inari early is good. I am not sure fushimi inari is a slow day though. I mean, if you just stay near the entrance, and not intend to hike the trail, okay, but if you want to escape the people, and semi-hike the trail to the viewing platform, or indeed even the top, thats a 3-4 hour walk (edit: i mean, not just the way up, I mean thats 3-4 hrs spend at fushimi, including exploring the shrines, and resting, NOT 3hrs pure walking up…) and with the steps up and down, its not really “slow”. and i think i read your leg is maybe a little limited. I mean I can not judge your fitness and your abilities, but just know that its a lot of steps going up and all of them going down again (which is, imo worse than going up)…

    after fushimi and the starbucks, yeah ebike could be a nice not too hard way to explore more. unfurtunately you cant really bike through nineizzaka or the small secret ways in gion, but maybe up along the philosophers path, or along at the zoo, murin-an, nanzenji, eikando…
    but also consider hopping in an onsen, maybe after 6pm to relax and get energy back…!

  2. What time does the aquarium in Okinawa close? It’s not in Naha so you’ll have to factor in travel time there after getting out of the airport

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