Questions about applying to ICU in Tokyo

Hi, I am a Japanese- American student, and am currently in my senior year of highschool. Going to school in Tokyo has always been a dream of mine. I have recently started gathering information about possible schools and the schools that I am planning on applying to, and even started some of the applications (writing essays and personal statements).

I started looking at the information I had on ICU and realized that I didn’t have much. A trip to their website didn’t give me any helpful information either. It gave me a few questions, which I will list below.


1. Unlike other schools (Waseda, Sophia, etc) it was hard to find what undergraduate degree programs were available to me in english. How do I choose what major/ program to apply to?
2. And on that note are there any bachelors degrees that are attainable by taking courses in english? I saw a mention of bilignual courses or something similar to that


Thank you in advance, and I hope that enough information was provided. I guess all in all I am curious about how to choose a major/ program to apply to, and if this school is worth applying to in general. Although being in Tokyo attending school there is my goal, I don’t want to waste my time getting a useless degree or feel like I wasted my money & time.

Thank you again, any and all help will be greatly appreciated! If anyone has any reccomendations on schools to apply to in Tokyo that have good english based programs that would be helpful too!

1 comment
  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Questions about applying to ICU in Tokyo**

    Hi, I am a Japanese- American student, and am currently in my senior year of highschool. Going to school in Tokyo has always been a dream of mine. I have recently started gathering information about possible schools and the schools that I am planning on applying to, and even started some of the applications (writing essays and personal statements).

    I started looking at the information I had on ICU and realized that I didn’t have much. A trip to their website didn’t give me any helpful information either. It gave me a few questions, which I will list below.


    1. Unlike other schools (Waseda, Sophia, etc) it was hard to find what undergraduate degree programs were available to me in english. How do I choose what major/ program to apply to?
    2. And on that note are there any bachelors degrees that are attainable by taking courses in english? I saw a mention of bilignual courses or something similar to that


    Thank you in advance, and I hope that enough information was provided. I guess all in all I am curious about how to choose a major/ program to apply to, and if this school is worth applying to in general. Although being in Tokyo attending school there is my goal, I don’t want to waste my time getting a useless degree or feel like I wasted my money & time.

    Thank you again, any and all help will be greatly appreciated! If anyone has any reccomendations on schools to apply to in Tokyo that have good english based programs that would be helpful too!

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