I’m leaving Japan, I have my certificate of vaccination for COVID-19 do I still need to apply for a vaccine passport?
Plus I already moved to another prefecture, the city hall of the area that I’m currently residing told me to apply to the previous prefecture where I received my vaccine and booster shot.
Before sending my application for the vaccine passport, I went to the health center of my current city and showed them the certificate I also told them that I received the vaccine from another prefecture, they gave me instructions to send it to them.
What do you need it for?
All the information you need can be found [here. ](https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/covid-19/certificate.html)
Applying for a paper certificate.
If you have a plastic Mynumber card, you can also apply for a paper certificate sent to a convenience store, or a digital certificate on your mobile phone.
Well, do your home country use vaccine passport?