Teaching English in Japan with a Juvenile Record (New South Wales)

Hi Everyone, I’ve applied for a private English teaching school and am progressing along the stages and it seems good, however I am currently at the stage where they are requesting a background check. In a lot of states, if enough time passes, a conviction can become ‘spent’ in which it doesn’t show up on a background check in most cases – Except when policing, working with children, or teaching overseas.

When I was 16, I was charged for assault and held in Juvenile detention for around 3 weeks. I don’t think it will matter to plead my case here, but I’ll state that I didn’t actually do it, however my free legal advisor was clearly having a not good day on the phone and just told me to admit guilt. I was a dumb scared teenager and didn’t really know what to do, so I did what the adult said.

I am now 34 and have had no issues of criminality, not even a traffic ticket. I am a model University student and a very hard worker. I’ve applied for a criminal background check but I am confident my prior issues will show up on the background check.

Has anyone here disclosed a Juvenile record to an Eikawa and been accepted? What is the typical stance on Juvenile records over in Japan? I tried looking online for 3 hours but couldn’t really find anything that fit my specific case.



  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Teaching English in Japan with a Juvenile Record (New South Wales)**

    Hi Everyone, I’ve applied for a private English teaching school and am progressing along the stages and it seems good, however I am currently at the stage where they are requesting a background check. In a lot of states, if enough time passes, a conviction can become ‘spent’ in which it doesn’t show up on a background check in most cases – Except when policing, working with children, or teaching overseas.

    When I was 16, I was charged for assault and held in Juvenile detention for around 3 weeks. I don’t think it will matter to plead my case here, but I’ll state that I didn’t actually do it, however my free legal advisor was clearly having a not good day on the phone and just told me to admit guilt. I was a dumb scared teenager and didn’t really know what to do, so I did what the adult said.

    I am now 34 and have had no issues of criminality, not even a traffic ticket. I am a model University student and a very hard worker. I’ve applied for a criminal background check but I am confident my prior issues will show up on the background check.

    Has anyone here disclosed a Juvenile record to an Eikawa and been accepted? What is the typical stance on Juvenile records over in Japan? I tried looking online for 3 hours but couldn’t really find anything that fit my specific case.



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  2. I’m inclined to believe that your record at the age of 16 would have been sealed upon becoming a legal adult. I’d suggest reaching out to your lawyer (or at least another local lawyer) to ask if you can have your record expunged.

    Ideally they’d tell you there is nothing to expunge and you’ll be on your way.



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