Ainu recommendations in Hokkaido?

Hey y’all.

So, I’m about to do a trip to Hokkaido, and I’m making my itinerary. I’ve already got the main things booked (Hakodate, Sapporo, Otaru, etc). Now, there are some gaps (about 8 full days) and I want to use that time, or atleast some of it, seeing Ainu culture. I dont care how far it is, I’m willing to go see it. Shiraoi/Upopoy is already on the list.

The problem I find is, most of the other big landmarks are a bit… tourist-trap-esque? Out near Kushiro is Lake Akan Ainu Kotan, and while I was initially interested, many of the reviews and photos make it seem like a collection of gift shops. It’s a trek, and not cheap either.

I’m well aware of the supressed history of the Ainu, so hopefully none of this comes off as ignorant. If this “aunthentic ainu destination” that I dream of doesnt really exist, and most remaining remnants are just museums or tourist attractions, please let me know.

  1. I’m glad you already have the Upopoy National Ainu Museum in your plan. For others reading this, it is a beautiful place with a well done museum and hands on cultural exhibits. Close to but not Hokkaido, I recommend the Sannai-Maruyama Special Historical Site near Aomori for more indigenous Japan history.

  2. If you’re interested in artifacts and museums, the Nibutani Ainu Culture Museum and the Kayano Shigeru Nibutani Ainu Museum would be worth visiting.

    Kayano Shigeru was a native speaker of the Ainu language and also wrote a memoir titled “Our Land Is A Forest” that discusses his experiences with Ainu history and culture.

  3. The Sapporo Ainu Culture Promotion Center is a great little facility out at Jozankei (it is not in Sapporo itself). If you’re heading out that way anyway, I’d highly recommend because it is not at all crowded and they actually let you handle the museum items. There is some minimal English support in the displays, and it is very condensed and rich in details. Seeing the textiles and tools up close was really interesting. Volunteers will do some small workshops during the busy season – not sure about quieter tourist times.

    It is not at all on the scale of Upopoy, but my mom and I still really enjoyed it.

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