A man on the street said ‘I’m going to hit you with a stone’ in a violent outburst, Japanese YouTube star who came to South Korea bursts into tears

Japanese source: https://s.japanese.joins.com/JArticle/309203?sectcode=410&servcode=400


  1. Hmmm… When I went to South Korea with my Japanese friends, the random Korean people there were super friendly, hung out with us, and told us all about how they love Japan and really want to visit.

    Could this just be an isolated incident where media reports on one bad thing that some rando did in South Korea with the intent to polarize and create and blow up “problems” where there really aren’t many in an attempt to sell advertising space and get clicks?

  2. We’re talking about people who put Pig’s bloody raw head just right outside of the Muslim’s house who were building a little mosque for his people, calling them terrorists and taunting them to get out of the country. Why am I not surprised.

  3. I can’t understand the Korean audio, but according to the news article, it was a middle-aged Korean man, a North Korean defector, saying his grandfather was killed by the Japanese, and he cannot forgive them, he wants all Japanese killed, Dokdo is Korean territory. He then tells her never to step on Korean territory again. That abusive guy just left her in tears, sobbing. Just really messed up.


  4. Oh yes whatever their ancestors suffered is clearly this youtuber’s fault. Perpetrate hate more. Low class people

  5. If the Korean middle aged offender wants all people from a particular race dead, he’s no different than Adolf. Also I don’t get the mindset that puts blame on someone who wasn’t even born when the atrocity took place.

  6. I get the impression that because of the much stronger culture of respecting your elders, that Koreans have longer memories.

    As a more positive example, I was on the US military base near Seoul in the 90s heading into a restaurant to eat. I was reaching for the door when I heard running footsteps behind me. An older dude had come running some distance just to hold the door open for me.

    I assumed he had been a child during the Korean War and his holding the door for me was a show of respect for the US military in general, despite the fact that I was in my 20s and obviously not alive during that war.

  7. Look. Japan deserves the hate for it’s crimes in the ww2. But not the people, those people are innocent. If that was the case, there’s likely a massive list of things that korea has done that they should be flamed for.

  8. I work with a lovely guy from Sweden but if we’re all being honest I’ll never, ever forgive him for what his Viking great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather did to my family in York.

  9. She is a famous Japanese influencer working in Korea. She has 300,000 registered users. She is not anti-Korea. She is a YOUBER with many Korean fans.
    She makes videos for Koreans and most of her subscribers are Koreans.
    Well, discrimination issue is in any country. Some crazy people are in Japan, Korea and all over the world.
    That does not mean we should make the problem smaller. We should catch the culprits and preach to them.

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